STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

How to Get the SEVA-I Suit Early and Stats

This is a guide on the SEVA-I Suit in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Learn how to get the SEVA-I Suit, where to upgrade it, and its stats such as protection types and effects.

Related SEVA Suit Guides

How to Get the SEVA-I Suit

SEVA-I Suit Locations
STALKER SEVA Suit Locations
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Yantar Duga

Obtain at Yantar Production Complex

Obtain at the Yantar Production Complex
Entering Building with Pipelines

Go to the Yantar Production Complex in the northwestern portion of Yantar and enter the building in the middle with pipelines via the entrance in the northwestern part of the building.
Yantar Prod Complex Hole in the Wall

Head up to the second floor until you see a big hole in the wall by the staircases.
Getting to the Seva I Yantar

Jump on the pipeline and head left until you come across a broken window with a metal beam bridging the pipeline to a platform. Crouch down and go through the broken window.
Platforming to the Seva I Yantar

Platform your way safely down the construction platform, and you will find the Seva I Suit by some rusty pipes along with a chest with randomized loot.

The SEVA-I Suit can also be obtained at the Yantar Production Complex in Yantar region. The Yantar region is found north west of the PDA map.

Obtain at Arms Depot in Duga

Obtain at the Arms Depot

The SEVA-I Suit is found at a locked cell inside the Arms Depot at the Duga region. Duga is found at the far southwest end of the map.
ⓘ Once you enter the Arms Depot, you will encounter a powerful mutant (Burer) that will control guns to shoot at you. Lure the mutant away from the depot first so that you can safely work your way to obtaining the weapon.

Inside the Arms Depot, find the generator at the end of the building then turn it on.

Go back near to the entrance of the depot and head to the 2nd floor room next to it. Press the power button inside to unlock the cell holding the Journalist Stash.

Head into the cell then look for the locker containing the SEVA-I Suit. A Journalist Stash with the SA-U Gabion can also be found in this cell if you own the Deluxe Edition DLC.

The SEVA-I Suit is obtained at the Arms Depot in Duga region. The Duga region is found at the far southwest end of the map.

Where to Upgrade SEVA-I Suit

Upgrade at Screw in Rostok

The SEVA-I Suit can be upgraded at the Technician Screw in Rostok. In Rostok, Screw's room can be found beside the same building of the traders Birch and Eugene, and is also near the room of your bed and stash.

All Technician Locations

SEVA-I Suit Stats Overview

Protection Stats Overview

Thermal 1.3 SEVA-I Suit Damage
Electrical 1.5 SEVA-I Suit Penetration
Chemical 1.5 SEVA-I Suit Rate of Fire
Radiation 3 SEVA-I Suit Range
PSI 2.1 SEVA-I Suit Accuracy
Physical 2.5 SEVA-I Suit Accuracy

Armor Overview

Type Suit
A common gripe with the SEVA suit revolves around the insufficient level of protection offered by its integrated bulletproof vest. The upgraded Spark version seeks to eliminate this issue.
Weight Artifact Slots Coupons
8.0 kg 4
50000Coupon K

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List of All Suits

Armored Bandit Jacket Armor IconArmored Bandit Jacket Bandit Jacket Armor IconBandit Jacket Berill-5M Armored Suit Armor IconBerill-5M Armored Suit
Brummbar Exoskeleton Armor IconBrummbar Exoskeleton Bulwark Exosuit Armor IconBulwark Exosuit Corundum Suit Armor IconCorundum Suit
Cuirass Exoskeleton Armor IconCuirass Exoskeleton Debut Suit Armor IconDebut Suit Diamond Exoskeleton Armor IconDiamond Exoskeleton
Exoskeleton Armor IconExoskeleton Leather Jacket Armor IconLeather Jacket Liberty Exoskeleton Armor IconLiberty Exoskeleton
Marauder Suit Armor IconMarauder Suit Mercenary Suit Armor IconMercenary Suit MercenaryMercenary's Light Suit
Operator Exoskeleton Armor IconOperator Exoskeleton OZK ExplorerOZK Explorer's Suit PSZ-12V Bulat Armor IconPSZ-12V Bulat
PSZ-20W Convoy Armor IconPSZ-20W Convoy PSZ-21W Shturm Armor IconPSZ-21W Shturm PSZ-5D Universal Protection Armor IconPSZ-5D Universal Protection
PSZ-5I Hawk Armor IconPSZ-5I Hawk PSZ-5V Guardian of Freedom Suit Armor IconPSZ-5V Guardian of Freedom Suit PSZ-7 Military Body Armor Armor IconPSZ-7 Military Body Armor
PSZ-9D Duty Armor Armor IconPSZ-9D Duty Armor PSZ-9I Falcon Armor IconPSZ-9I Falcon PSZ-9N Wolfhound Armor IconPSZ-9N Wolfhound
Ruby Exosuit Armor IconRuby Exosuit SEVA Suit Armor IconSEVA Suit SEVA-D Suit Armor IconSEVA-D Suit
SEVA-I Suit Armor IconSEVA-I Suit SEVA-V Suit Armor IconSEVA-V Suit SSP-100 Discovery Armor IconSSP-100 Discovery
SSP-100I Survey Armor IconSSP-100I Survey SSP-100M SIRCAA Armor IconSSP-100M SIRCAA SSP-99 Ecologist Armor IconSSP-99 Ecologist
Sunrise Suit Armor IconSunrise Suit Tourist Suit Armor IconTourist Suit Wanderer Suit Armor IconWanderer Suit
Wind of Freedom Suit Armor IconWind of Freedom Suit X7 Suit Armor IconX7 Suit Zircon Suit Armor IconZircon Suit


2 Anonymous3 months

I can confirm that one can be found in the Yantar Production Complex in the room filled with zombies. Be warned that once you enter you’ll have to drop down shelves to reach the floor. Once you do, you will be ambushed by at least half a dozen Bloodsuckers. Come heavily armed and prepared.

1 Anonymous3 months

theres one in a building with zombies in the yantar production complex


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