Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

How to Fly in Wuthering Waves

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

The Flight Mechanic is a brand-new utility added to Wuthering Waves in Version 2.0! See how to take to the skies in Rinascita, how to unlock this new feature, and how to fix a current bug involving Flight here!

Flying Tips and Tricks

How to Launch From the Ground

Launch Combo
1. Jump
2. Plunge Attack
3. Immediately Cancel using Evade
4. Plunge Attack Again
5. Activate the Flight Utility

Normally, you would need to find a ledge and launch from there if you want to fly. If you input the series of commands above, your character can jump high for them to be able to activate the Flight utility.

This might take a bit of practice to perfect every time, but with multiple uses this will be second nature in no time.

Increase Flight Stamina by Exploring

To increase flight stamina, players must continue exploring all the areas in Rinascita to 25% each. Each map completed to 25% provides a Boost Unit that increases the stamina when flying. The current maximum flight stamina is 150.

How to Use Flight

The Flight Mechanic is a new utility unlocked in Version 2.0. Currently, it can only be used in Rinascita and while outside of combat.

This allows the Resonators to soar the skies of the region through consuming a separate version of Stamina exclusive to flying (STA).

There are two kinds of Flight mode: regular Flight, and Ultra Flight.

Regular Flight

Example of Flight and using Stamina

To take Flight, you have to be higher from a certain distance to the ground while equipped with the Flight utility. A great way to kickstart Flight is by jumping off a high location, such as a cliff or a building. As you currently fly, it slowly decreases a unique Stamina bar different than the one you normally use while running or climbing.

Diving and Ascending

You can ascend or descend while flying by using your movement controls. You can dive to gain momentum, so that your ascents are stronger.

Ultra Flight

Example of Ultra Flight using Stamina

Ultra Flight is a much faster version of Flight mode. This allows free reign over the direction you're flying too, but this greatly reduces your STA--as seen in the Stamina Bar partially going gray as it is being consumed.

STA Consumption further increases when ascending, but decreases when diving.

How to Unlock Flight

Unlocks During Chapter 2 Act I

Wuthering Waves - Chapter 2 Act 1 The Sacred Breeze So Often Breathes Quest Guide

The Flight mechanic is auotmatically unlocked at a certain point during Chatper 2 Act I: The Sacred Breeze So Often Breathes.

However you do not get to use this function properly until after unlocking Chapter 2 Act II: Veils Off in Sun or Shadow--when Whisperwind Haven becomes accessible for the first time.

Boost Unit: Flight Unlockable in Exploration Progress

Somewhere in the Exploration Progress in Rinascita, an item called Boost Unit: Flight can increase the maximum STA while Flying, allowing to remain airborne for longer periods of time.

How to Fix Flight Bug

Switch from 120 FPS to 60 FPS

In the early days of Version 2.0, a bug in Wuthering Waves was discovered that makes it harder to turn while flying, if settings are using 120 FPS.

As a temporary fix, switch to 60 FPS in Settings to smoothen turns whenever in Flight. This has since been fixed in an update and Flight should be working as intended now.

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Latest News and Updates

Version 2.1 Updates

Version 2.1 Characters

2.1 New and Featured Characters
Wuthering Waves - Phoebe Icon Phoebe
(5★ Spectro)
Wuthering Waves - Brant Icon 5-star Brant
(5★ Fusion)
Changli Icon Changli
(5★ Fusion)

2.1 Tier List and the Best Characters

Version 2.1 Weapons

2.1 Weapons
Wuthering Waves - Luminous Hymn IconLuminous Hymn
Wuthering Waves - Unflickering Valor IconUnflickering Valor
Blazing Brilliance Blazing Brilliance

Weapon Tier List

Version 2.1 Banners

2.1 Banners
Wuthering Waves Phoebe Phoebe Banner
[Phase 1 - Ongoing]
Wuthering Waves Brant Brant Banner
[Phase 2 - Upcoming]
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[Phase 2 - Upcoming]

All Current and Next Banners (Gacha)

All Version 2.1 Echoes

2.1 New Echo List
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HurriclawHurriclaw Phantom Lorelei IconPhantom: Lorelei
Calcified JunrockCalcified Junrock Golden JunrockGolden Junrock

Version 2.1 New Map Areas

2.1 Map and New Areas
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2.1 Fishing Event Summary

All Old Man and the Whale Tips and Tricks
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All Old Man and the Whale Quests
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Old Man and the Whale Event Guide

All Version 2.1 News and Events

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2.1 Events
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2.1 Quests
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New Permanent Endgame

2.1 New Endgames
Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways Whimpering Wastes

List of Version Updates

Version 2.0 Updates
Version 2.0 Version 2.1
Version 1.0 Updates
Version 1.0 Version 1.1
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All Livestreams and Broadcast

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List of News and Updates

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