Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Cantarella Ascension Materials and Pre-Farm Guide

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Cantarella Ascension Materials

Here are the Ascension and Forte Materials for Cantarella in Wuthering Waves. Learn how many items you need for Cantarella per level, how to pre-farm for them, and where to get them in this farming guide!

Cantarella Character Guides
Wuthering Waves - CantarellaCantarella Wuthering Waves - Cantarella Materials Cantarella Materials

Total Upgrade Materials for Cantarella

Total Ascension Materials for Cantarella

How to Get Materials
Normal Enemies
World Boss
Overworld Material
Seaside Cendrelis Seaside Cendrelis x60
Shell Credit Shell Credit x170,000

Cantarella's ascension materials are composed of the Seaside Cendrelis, Cleansing Conch, and the Polygon Core materials from echoes in Rinascita. In addition, you will need a total of 170,000 Shell Credits to fully upgrade Cantarella.

Total Forte Materials for Cantarella

How to Get Materials
Normal Enemies
Forgery Challenge
Weekly Boss
When Irises Bloom When Irises Bloom x26
Shell Credit Shell Credit x2,030,000

To upgrade Cantarella's Forte, you will need Helix materials from Forgery Challenges, the potential weekly boss drop from Fleurdelys, and more Polygon Core materials from echoes in Rinascita. You will also need 2,030,000 Shell Credits to fully upgrade all the Forte Skills.

Cantarella Ascension Materials

Character Ascension Materials
Rank 1
20 ➔ 40
Rank 2
40 ➔ 50
Seaside Cendrelis Seaside Cendrelis x4
Rank 3
50 ➔ 60
Seaside Cendrelis Seaside Cendrelis x8
Rank 4
60 ➔ 70
Seaside Cendrelis Seaside Cendrelis x12
Rank 5
70 ➔ 80
Seaside Cendrelis Seaside Cendrelis x16
Rank 6
80 ➔ 90
Seaside Cendrelis Seaside Cendrelis x20

Where to Get Seaside Cendrelis

Map under construction!

Seaside Cendrelis is a new material found in the new area introduced in Version 2.2! We will be adding the locations of each when it releases on March 27, 2025!

Seaside Cendrelis can't be pre-farmed unfortunately because the area is still inaccessible before Version 2.2!

Where to Get Cleansing Conch

Get from Lorelei in Atrium of Reflections

Lorelei Location
Cleansing Conch is obtained from the overworld boss, Lorelei. Lorelei is located in the Atrium of Reflections within the Nimbus Sanctum region in Rinascita.

You may access the boss without much progress in the story. This boss also only appears at night (18:00 - 06:00). If you go to this boss during the day, you may sit on a chair near the boss area entrance to make it nighttime.

How to Get Cleansing Conch

Where to Get Polygon Cores

Polygon Core Materials

Dropped by Echoes and Enemies

List of Enemies
Wuthering Waves - Autopuppet Scout IconAutopuppet Scout Wuthering Waves - Carapace IconCarapace Wuthering Waves - Stonewall Bracer IconStonewall Bracer
Wuthering Waves - Fission Junrock IconFission Junrock Wuthering Waves - Fusion Prism IconFusion Prism Wuthering Waves - Glacio Prism IconGlacio Prism
Wuthering Waves - Havoc Prism IconHavoc Prism Wuthering Waves - Spectro Prism IconSpectro Prism Wuthering Waves - Traffic Illuminator IconTraffic Illuminator
Wuthering Waves - Vanguard Junrock IconVanguard Junrock Wuthering Waves - Lumiscale Construct IconLumiscale Construct Wuthering Waves - Chop Chop: Headless IconChop Chop: Headless
Wuthering Waves - Chop Chop: Leftless IconChop Chop: Leftless Wuthering Waves - Chop Chop: Rightless IconChop Chop: Rightless Wuthering Waves - Hocus Pocus IconHocus Pocus
Wuthering Waves - Lottie Lost IconLottie Lost Wuthering Waves - Diggy Duggy IconDiggy Duggy Wuthering Waves - Chest Mimic IconChest Mimic
Wuthering Waves - Chop Chop IconChop Chop Wuthering Waves - Cuddle Wuddle IconCuddle Wuddle Wuthering Waves - Rage Against the Statue IconRage Against the Statue
Wuthering Waves - Aero Prism IconAero Prism Wuthering Waves - Calcified Junrock IconCalcified Junrock Wuthering Waves - Golden Junrock IconGolden Junrock

Polygon Core materials are obtained from certain enemies in Rinascita. They are pretty common, so just take on any of these echoes if you see them while exploring.

Cantarella Forte Materials

Total Forte Materials
Main Nodes
Lv. 1 ➔ 10
When Irises Bloom When Irises Bloom x20
Shell Credit Shell Credit x1,400,000
Bonus 1
Shell Credit Shell Credit x200,000
Bonus 2
When Irises Bloom When Irises Bloom x4
Shell Credit Shell Credit x400,000
Inherent Skill 1
When Irises Bloom When Irises Bloom x1
Inherent Skill 2
When Irises Bloom When Irises Bloom x1

Level Upgrade Upgrade Materials
1 ➔ 2
2 ➔ 3
3 ➔ 4
4 ➔ 5
5 ➔ 6
6 ➔ 7
When Irises Bloom When Irises Bloom x1
7 ➔ 8
When Irises Bloom When Irises Bloom x1
8 ➔ 9
When Irises Bloom When Irises Bloom x1
9 ➔ 10
When Irises Bloom When Irises Bloom x1
Shell Credit Shell Credit x100,000

Where to Get Cantarella's Weekly Boss Material

Most Likely from Fleurdelys, a New Enemy in Version 2.2

Cantarella's main forte material, When Irises Bloom, could come from the weekly boss Fleurdelys. This boss is found in Rinascita and will most likely unlock via Early Access or during Chapter 2 Act 5: The Maiden, The Defier, The Death Crier.

When Irises Bloom can't be pre-farmed unfortunately because the boss is still inaccessible before Version 2.2!

Where to Get Helix Materials

Abyss of Initiation (Rinascita)

Additional Rewards
Sonoro Sphere Effect Resonance Skill DMG increased by 66%.

Misty Forest (Huanglong)

Additional Rewards
Sonoro Sphere Effect When hitting an enemy, Normal Attack reduce the cooldown of Resonance Liberation by 1 second, triggered up to once every second.

Cantarella is a Rectifier character, so their Helix materials will come from Forgery Challenges. We suggest doing the Rinascita Forgery Challenges so you can get Polygon Cores passively.

List of Forgery Challenge Domains

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Items

List of Items

All Item Types

Types of Items and Materials
Supplies Development Materials Valuables
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