Throne and Liberty (TL)

Best Chest Armor Tier List

Throne and Liberty - Armor Tier List
The best chest armors for Throne and Liberty (TL) are the Phantom Wolf Tunic, Shock Commander Plate Armor, and Swirling Essence. See a tier list of all the Epic chest armors, the best chest armors to use, and an explanation for each chest armor's tier ranking!

Chest Armor Guides
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Best Chest Armor Tier List

Tier Armor

Note: The chest pieces included in this tier list are only composed of Epic rarity simply because you can get an early Epic chest armor as you progress through the story. If there are any notable rare chest pieces, please comment down below!

Chest Armor Tier List Explanation

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SS Tier

Phantom Wolf Tunic

Phantom Wolf TunicPhantom Wolf Tunic Overall Tier Ranking
Stats Pros & Cons
Melee Defense: 162
Ranged Defense: 178
・Strength 2
・Weaken Chance 21
・Magic Evasion 80
Throne and Liberty Build - ProStrength Increase
Throne and Liberty Build - ProGood for both Melee and Range
Throne and Liberty Build - ProPremier Traits
Throne and Liberty - ConAverage Defenses

The best chest armor for DPS builds is the Phantom Wolf Tunic, both for the Strength stat it provides and access to solid traits!

As with the current build system, Strength is one of the most important stats to invest in due to the innate durability and Heavy Attack Chance that the Phantom Wolf Tunic provides.

Furthermore, the Phantom Wolf Tunic not only helps DPS builds by providing consistency to DoTs, but it also has the premium package of Max Health and Evasion stats for its traits.

Best DPS Builds and Weapon Combos

Shock Commander Plate Armor

Shock Commander Plate ArmorShock Commander Plate Armor Overall Tier Ranking
Stats Pros & Cons
Melee Defense: 170
Ranged Defense: 204
・Strength 4
・Damage Reduction 4
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh Base Defense
Throne and Liberty Build - ProAdditional Damage Reduction
Throne and Liberty Build - ProPremier Traits
Throne and Liberty - ConMediocre Armor Set

On the other hand, the best chest armor for Tank builds is the Shock Commander Plate Armor, specifically for its high base defenses, Strength, and Damage Reduction!

Alongside the increase in Strength, the Shock Commander Plate Armor currently boasts some of the highest Melee and Ranged Defense for its base stats, making it a must-have for those who plan on facing any enemy head-on.

The Shock Commander Plate Armor also has access to the premium package of Max Health and Endurance stats for its traits.

Best Tank Builds and Weapon Combos

Swirling Essence Robe

Swirling Essence RobeSwirling Essence Robe Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 153
Ranged Defense: 153
・Dexterity 3
・Wisdom 2
・Heavy Attack Chance 33
Throne and Liberty Build - ProIncreases to Dexterity and Wisdome
Throne and Liberty Build - ProBase Addition to Heavy Attack
Throne and Liberty Build - ProAccess to +Buff Duration
Throne and Liberty - ConBelow Average Defenses

For those that prefer to support their allies with healing, the Swirling Essence Robe can be considered the BiS (best-in-slot) as it provides additional Dexterity and Wisdom, while also increasing your base Heavy Attack Chance increase!

Given healers will have to cycle their skills repeatedly and that heals can critically hit, the additional Dexterity and Wisdom come a long way. Furthermore, with the increased Heavy Attack Chance, popular builds such as the Invocator become even more potent.

While its traits are not as solid compared to the previous two, the possibility of taking Buff Duration and Evasion traits is essential for healers!

Best Healer Builds and Weapon Combos

S Tier

Arcane Shadow Robes

Arcane Shadow RobesArcane Shadow Robes Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 170
Ranged Defense: 136
・Hit 40
・Critical Hit 46
・Melee Evasion 54
Throne and Liberty Build - ProBest for Melee PvP
Throne and Liberty Build - ProSolid Traits
Throne and Liberty - ConNo Base Stat Increase

Arcane Shadow Robes, despite lacking base stat increases, is a chest armor designed for competitive PvP play given that it focuses solely on the essential stats like Hit and Melee Evasion. This chest piece works best for builds such as the Berserker build that excels in close-range combat!

Plate of the Field General

Plate of the Field GeneralPlate of the Field General Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 187
Ranged Defense: 187
・Strength 2
・Perception 1
・Stun Chance 26`
Throne and Liberty Build - ProGood Defenses
Throne and Liberty Build - ProIncrease to Primary PvP Stats
Throne and Liberty - ConLimited to Melee

If you are interested in DPS but prefer to keep it in range of melee, the Plate of the Field General is one of the better options for you. This chest piece perfectly synergizes with any Greatsword build that leans heavily on landing their stuns, especially in PvP as it increases Stun Chance, Strength, and Perception!

To put the icing on the cake, the Field General set provides a massive bonus to Melee Heavy Attack chance and additional range for mobility skills, meaning you can consistently double your already high burst damage.

Shadow Harvester Tunic

Shadow Harvester TunicShadow Harvester Tunic Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 170
Ranged Defense: 170
・Bind Chance 41
・Ranged Evasion 74
・Stamina Regen 1.35
Throne and Liberty Build - ProAccess to Shadow Harvester Set Bonus
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh Defense
Throne and Liberty - ConLacking in Good Stats

If you are using a ranged build that focuses on being mobile and avoiding damage while doing so, the Shadow Harvester Tunic can be a good pick solely because of the set bonus and defenses.

While the stats it provides can be better, having access to the Shadow Harvester set bonus is more than worth it since the percentage increase to criticals can go a long way!

A Tier

Coat of the Executioner

Coat of the ExecutionerCoat of the Executioner Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 170
Ranged Defense: 170
・Strength 1
・Critical Hit 40
・Weaken Chance 46
Throne and Liberty Build - ProSolid Stat Increases
Throne and Liberty Build - ProPremier Traits
Throne and Liberty - ConLow Strength Increase

If the Staff or Crossbow is your main weapon, the Coat of the Executioner goes a long way as a practical slot-in as it increases Weaken Chance and Strength while being easy to farm for.

Furthermore, it holds the best traits, allowing it to scale even better as you invest. However, since it can be limited to specific weapons, it did not make the cut for the S tier.

Heroic Armor of the Resistance

Heroic Armor of the ResistanceHeroic Armor of the Resistance Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 178
Ranged Defense: 195
・Max Health 605
・Melee Evasion 60
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHeavy Focus on Durability
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHas the Best Traits
Throne and Liberty Build - ProObtainable After Main Story
Throne and Liberty - ConNo Stat Increase

The Heroic Armor of the Resistance is one of, if not the most valuable chest piece you can get after the main story quest. This armor holds well especially for PvP purposes due to the raw tankiness it gives to build.

This piece also has some of the best traits possible while having the plus that it is easily farmed. However, the lack of a stat increase means that it does not scale well into the end-game where reaching breakpoints is key.

Heroic Tunic of the Resistance

Heroic Tunic of the ResistanceHeroic Tunic of the Resistance Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 170
Ranged Defense: 170
・Dexterity 2
・Hit 87
Throne and Liberty Build - ProAbove Average Defense
Throne and Liberty Build - ProStats Increase Consistency
Throne and Liberty - ConBad Traits

The Heroic Tunic of the Resistance is one of the better option out of the four starter epic equipment after the main story quest, specifically for DPS builds. Even if it is a transitionary chest piece, its high increase to Dexterity and Hit goes a long way, especially in PvP.

However, not having the better traits prevents this armor piece from reaching the S tier.

B Tier

Ascended Guardian Raiment

Ascended Guardian RaimentAscended Guardian Raiment Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 162
Ranged Defense: 144
・Perception 2
・Max Health 300
・Stamina Regen 1.65
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh HP Increase
Throne and Liberty Build - ProPerception Increase
Throne and Liberty - ConBelow Average Defense
Throne and Liberty - ConHard to Obtain
Throne and Liberty - ConStamina Regen Dump Stat

While Ascended Guardian Raiment is a good slot in due to its high Perception and Max HP increase, it is ultimately outshined by other chest pieces because of how difficult it can be to obtain for its value.

Furthermore, the Ascended Guardian set bonus is handy for builds that like to have a high APM, but other Ascended Guardian equipment gives out better stats than its chestpiece counterpart.

Blessed Templar Plate Mail

Blessed Templar Plate MailBlessed Templar Plate Mail Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 280
Ranged Defense: 195
・Mana Regen 7.5
・Stamina Regen 1
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHighest Melee Defense
Throne and Liberty - ConPoor Stats
Throne and Liberty - ConLacking Good Traits
Throne and Liberty - ConHard to get

If your build is already set and only needs massive defensive stats, Blessed Templar Plate Mail might be a good option as it offers the highest melee defense possible.

However, the caveat is that the stats it provides are lackluster and barely noticeable, making the effort to get the piece not worth it.

Heroic Garb of the Resistance

Heroic Garb of the ResistanceHeroic Garb of the Resistance Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 178
Ranged Defense: 162
・Perception 2
・Max Health 650
Throne and Liberty Build - ProPremium PvP Gear
Throne and Liberty Build - ProGood Traits and Defense
Throne and Liberty - ConHigh Competition w/ Other Options

The third best option out of the starter epic chest pieces, the Heroic Garb of the Resistance is exceptional for its viability in competitive PvP play. It is considered viable because it provides exceptional Perception and Max Health, two key stats for PvP.

Other than those boons, it is mainly outperformed by the other two options you can get by a significant amount in PvE and PvP content, justifying its place in the B Tier.

Plate of the Infernal Herald

Plate of the Infernal HeraldPlate of the Infernal Herald Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 178
Ranged Defense: 297
・Dexterity 3
Throne and Liberty Build - ProFocuses on Dexterity
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHighest Ranged Defense
Throne and Liberty - ConPoor Traits

If you plan on playing Crossbows that are maxed out with Dexterity, the Plate of the Infernal Herald will be a necessity as it provides the highest amount out of all the chest pieces while having the highest ranged defense!

However, that same focus on Dexterity can be a detriment as that is the only special thing about it, limiting it only to absolutely niche builds.

C Tier

Divine Justiciar Attire

Divine Justiciar AttireDivine Justiciar Attire Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 162
Ranged Defense: 144
・Wisdom 4
・Weaken Chance 78
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh Wisdom
Throne and Liberty - ConLow Defenses
Throne and Liberty - ConMediocre Traits

At first glance, the Divine Justiciar Attire looks like it can be a substantial addition to most Wand and Staff builds as the Wisdom and Weaken Chance accentuate them well. However, it is essentially a weaker version of Swirling Essence Robe while being arguably more difficult to farm for.

Heroic Robes of the Resistance

Heroic Robes of the ResistanceHeroic Robes of the Resistance Overall Tier Ranking
Pros Cons
Melee Defense: 162
Ranged Defense: 144
・Max Health 545
・Mana Regen 52.5
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh HP
Throne and Liberty - ConLackluster Stats and Defense

While the Heroic Robes of the Resistance is the mage-counterpart of the first few epic armors you can receive, it is overshadowed by all of the other options available. The only good part about it is that it provides a ton of Max Health, but other than that, it is lackluster.

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