Throne and Liberty (TL)

How to Get Heroic Armor of the Resistance

Heroic Armor of the Resistance is a craftable Epic Chest armor in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to learn how to get Heroic Armor of the Resistance, including an overview of its stats and the builds that use it!

How to Get Heroic Armor of the Resistance

Crafted via the Armor Crafter NPC

Crafting Recipe 1

Heroic Armor of the Resistance can be crafted by the Armor Crafter NPC at any of Solisium's major cities. However, do note that Epic rarity items can only be crafted by Senior Armor Crafter NPCs.

Dropped by Specific Enemies

Heroic Armor of the Resistance will have a chance to drop from the following enemies:

Enemy Location and Info
Gallu Archer
(Lvl. 50)
Area: Laslan
Region: Shattered Temple
Enemy Type: Undead
Difficulty: Common
Possessed Gallu Archer
(Lvl. 50)
Area: Laslan
Region: Shattered Temple
Enemy Type: Undead
Difficulty: Common

If the enemy listed above is classified as a Boss, then its encounter will be a Field Boss instance that happens at a scheduled time, server-wide.

Reward for Completing Lithograph Book Entries

Heroic Armor of the Resistance is a reward for completing the following Lithograph Book entries:

Lithograph Book Entry Rarity
Unfaltering Protection Rare

Lithograph Book Guide

Reward for Completing Codex Quests

Heroic Armor of the Resistance is a reward you can get from the following Codex Quests in Throne and Liberty:

Quest Type and Rewards
Chapter 10: Nightmare Deja Vu Type: Main Quest
Rewards (Pick One):
・Heroic Robes of the Resistance
・Heroic Tunic of the Resistance
・Heroic Garb of the Resistance
・Heroic Armor of the Resistance

Acquired from Weekly Missions

Throne and Liberty - Weekly Missions

Heroic Armor of the Resistance can be obtained by completing weekly missions.

Heroic Armor of the Resistance Stats Overview

Stats and Armor Info

Heroic Armor of the Resistance IconHeroic Armor of the Resistance Melee Def. 178
Ranged Def. 195
Rarity Epic
Type Chest
Armor Stats ・Max Health 605
・Melee Evasion 60
Possible Traits ・Ranged Endurance: 40 | 80 | 120 | 160
・Ranged Evasion: 40 | 80 | 120 | 160
・Melee Endurance: 40 | 80 | 120 | 160
・Melee Evasion: 40 | 80 | 120 | 160
・Health Regen: 15 | 30 | 45 | 60
・Max Health: 150 | 300 | 450 | 600
Korean (KR) Client Name* Special Resistance Tactical Armor

The Korean (KR) Client Name is this item's in-game name in the KR version of Throne and Liberty.

New Stat: What is Fortitude?

Name in Other Languages

特級レジスタンスのタクティカル アーマー"

Heroic Armor of the Resistance Builds

PvE Builds

Weapon Build Description
Throne and Liberty (TL)- LongbowThrone and Liberty (TL)- Greatsword
Longbow / Greatsword
Mobbing, DPS, Tank, PvE
Stat Priority:
Strength, Dexterity
A build primarily focused on consistently applying Debuffs and Crowd Control using various skills to set up and charge devastating blows, delivering powerful single-target burst damage.

PvP Builds

Weapon Build Description
Throne and Liberty (TL)- DaggerThrone and Liberty (TL)- Wand
Dagger / Wand
Burst, Healing, Mitigation, Small Scale PvP
Stat Priority:
Wisdom, Perception
Singles out isolated targets, then blows them up with a series of curses. Plenty of survivability and support options make this a well-rounded build.

Best Builds

Throne and Liberty (TL) Related Guides

Armor Partial Banner

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All Armor Types

Head Armor Cloaks
Chest Armor Hand Armor
Leg Armor Foot Armor

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