Throne and Liberty (TL)

How to Get Rod of Undead Dismissal

Rod of Undead Dismissal is a craftable Rare Wand in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to learn how to get Rod of Undead Dismissal and see an overview of its in-game stats.

How to Get Rod of Undead Dismissal

Crafted via the Special Equipment Crafter

Rod of Undead Dismissal can only be crafted by a unique NPC called the Special Equipment Crafter. This NPC roams around the map and won't stay in a set location for long. Make sure to keep an eye out for this NPC if you want to craft the Rod of Undead Dismissal.

Crafting Recipe 1
【Pick 1 From the List】

Dropped by Specific Enemies

Rod of Undead Dismissal will have a chance to drop from the following enemies:

Enemy Location and Info
Orc Brawler Chief
(Lvl. 50)
Area: Laslan
Region: Fonos Basin
Enemy Type: Humanoid
Difficulty: Common Elite
Chief Sandworm
(Lvl. 37)
Area: Stonegard
Region: Sandworm Lair
Location: Sandworm Hatchery
Enemy Type: Demon
Difficulty: Common Elite
Toximaw Worker Spider
(Lvl. 36)
Area: Stonegard
Region: Sandworm Lair
Location: Sandworm Hatchery
Enemy Type: Wildkin
Difficulty: Common

If the enemy listed above is classified as a Boss, then its encounter will be a Field Boss instance that happens at a scheduled time, server-wide.

Rod of Undead Dismissal Stats Overview

Stats and Weapon Info

Rod of Undead Dismissal IconRod of Undead Dismissal
Rare Wand
Damage 38~54
Atk Spd 0.475s
Range 14m
Weapon Skill None
Weapon Stats ・Undead Bonus Damage 21
・Mana Regen 60
Possible Traits ・Mana Regen: 15 | 30 | 45
・Max Mana: 150 | 300 | 450
・Undead Bonus Damage: 4 | 8 | 12
・Hit Chance: 20 | 40 | 60
・Heavy Attack Chance: 20 | 40 | 60
・Critical Hit: 20 | 40 | 60
Korean (KR) Client Name* Immortal Repulsion Wand

The Korean (KR) Client Name is this item's in-game name in the KR version of Throne and Liberty.

Name in Other Languages


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