Elden Ring

Best Ashes of War

Best Ashes of War Elden Ring.png

This guide will cover the best Ashes of War to pick up in Elden Ring and where to find them! Read on to learn the locations and characteristics of the best Ashes of War!

Ashes of War Guides
Best Ashes of War All Ashes of War

Best Ashes of War for Weapons

Jump to an Ash of War!
Seppuku Elden Ring.PNGSeppuku Glintstone Pebble.pngGlintstone Pebble Flame of the Redmanes Elden Ring.PNGFlame of the Redmanes
BloodhoundBloodhound's Step Thunderbolt Elden Ring.PNGThunderbolt LionLion's Claw
Sword Dance.pngSword Dance Ice Spear Elden Ring.PNGIce Spear -



How to Get Defeat the Invisible Scarab near the Freezing Lake Site of Grace in the Mountaintops of the Giants.

This is a skill that applies blood loss buildup to a sword or thrusting polearm and grants it Arcane scaling. When used with a sword that already has blood loss buildup, this increases the amount of buildup, making Hemorrhage easier to trigger.

Seppuku is mostly used by those two-handing weapons like Katanas or Twinblades because a powerstanced L1 jumping attack has a chance to immediately trigger blood loss if it hits an enemy.

Seppuku Ash of War Location and Compatible Weapons

Glintstone Pebble

Glintstone Pebble.gif

How to Get Can be purchased from Rogier at Stormveil Castle in Limgrave.

While the cast range for this Ash of War is short, the pebble can deal high Poise damage and can roll catch other players in PvP. The follow-up attack can also one-shot enemies after they are staggered.

This is a good Ash of War for those with Intelligence builds.

Glintstone Pebble Ash of War Location and Compatible Weapons

Flame of the Redmanes

Flame of the Redmanes.gif

How to Get Defeat the Invisible Scarab near the Fort Gael North Site of Grace in Caelid.

One of the most powerful Ashes of War, Flame of the Redmanes can stagger most if not all bosses in the game in about 3 casts even on a weapon that's not upgraded.

While it is easily avoided in PvP, it can be a good distraction tool for a follow-up attack.

Flame of the Redmanes Ash of War Location and Compatible Weapons

Bloodhound's Step


How to Get Defeat the Night's Cavalry boss on the bridge near Lenne's Rise in Caelid.

This is a really good combat move for those running Dexterity builds or just want more mobility in their character. Not only does it travel further and moves your character faster than Quickstep, but it was also turn you invisible for a moment, making it hard for you to be tracked by other players if used in PvP.

Bloodhound's Step Ash of War Location and Compatible Weapons



How to Get Defeating a Teardrop Scarab northwest of the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace in Leyndell, Royal Capital.

This skill scales very well with Dexterity and can kill enemies in both PvE and PvP in a few shots because of this. It can roll catch enemies in PvP and can be used as a ranged attack when trading is dangerous.

It can also be spammed and has good tracking, which makes avoiding this attack difficult.

Thunderbolt Ash of War Location and Compatible Weapons

Lion's Claw


How to Get Defeating the Lion Guardian at Fort Gael in Caelid.

Primarily for Strength builds, this Ash of War deals high Poise damage and can stagger enemies in one hit if put on a colossal weapon. Not only does it deal a lot of damage, but it also has good tracking and hyperarmor.

This makes it difficult to get interrupted while casting the skill itself and it has the potential to one-shot players in PvP.

Lion's Claw Ash of War Location and Compatible Weapons

Sword Dance

Swords Dance.gif

How to Get Defeating the Teardrop Scarab northwest of the Converted Tower in Liurnia of the Lakes.

Good for builds that utitlize long weapons, this can serve as a discount Waterfowl Dance. It can apply blood loss to enemies if they're using a weapon with blood loss buildup.

It can stagger and stun low Poise enemies both in PvP and PvE. Paired with Bloodhound's Step, it can be used as a surprise attack against other players.

Sword Dance Ash of War Location and Compatible Weapons

Ice Spear

Ice Spear.gif

How to Get Defeating the Night's Cavalry near the Gate Town Bridge at Liurnia of the Lakes

This Ash of War inflicts frostbite buildup and its damage also scales with Intelligence. It bypasses shields from enemies in PvE and PvP, and can be used as an initial attack to stagger before following up.

However, Ice Spear does not give hyperarmor, which means that the cast can be interrupted. Unlike Glintstone Pebble, it can be cast from a bit further from the target.

Ice Spear Weapon Skill and How to Use

Best Ashes of War for Shields

Ashes of War for Shields
Elden Ring No Skill.pngNo Skill Barricade Shield.PNGBarricade Shield
Elden Ring Parry.pngParry Elden Ring Parry.pngGolden Parry

No Skill

No Skill Elden Ring

How to Get Can be purchased from Knight Bernahl at the Warmaster's Shack in Limgrave.

At first this looks like a huge loss for not having an Ash of War on a shield, but actually, this allows you to use the Ash of War equipped to your weapon without needing to two-hand it.

This makes it easier to keep your defense up by guarding with the shield, while also having access to your weapon's Ash of War.

No Skill Ash of War Location and Compatible Weapons

Barricade Shield

Barricade Shield Ash of War Elden Ring

How to Get Can be purchased from Knight Bernahl at the Warmaster's Shack in Limgrave.

This Ash of War hardens your shields, raising their ability to ward off blows. For a medium shield, for instance, it gives the block power of a greatshield.

Due to this, it's a great Ash of War to have to those that utilize Guard Counters. It's also the default skill for the Great Turtle Shell, which is one of the best shields for the early game.

Late game, this Ash of War can be used on something like the Fingerprint Stone Shield to completely eliminate the Stamina drain from attacks.

Barricade Shield Weapon Skill and How to Use


Parry Elden Ring

How to Get Can be purchased from Knight Bernahl at the Warmaster's Shack in Limgrave.

A Souls game classic, Parrying is deflecting an attack, opening the enemy up for you to perform a powerful riposte. As an Ash of War, it's still immensely useful, as perfect timing will result in critical attacks that can end fights quickly.

However, keep in mind that not all attacks can be parried.

Parry Ash of War Location and Compatible Weapons

Golden Parry

Golden Parry.gif

How to Get Defeating a Teardrop Scarab on the staircase leading at the Capital Outskirts outside Leyndell, Royal Capital.

A more forgivable form of Parry, this Ash of War allows the user to parry incoming attacks even from a slight distance. This means that unlike regular parries, being up close is not required.

This is extremely useful against those that use Rivers of Blood in PvP because Corpse Piler can be parried.

Golden Parry Ash of War Location and Compatible Weapons

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