Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

How to Unlock Warfarer and Best Skills

Dragons Dogma 2 - How to Unlock Warfarer

Warfarer is a Hybrid Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn how to unlock the Warfarer vocation, see its best skills, builds, and augments as well as learn how to play the Warfarer in this guide!

How to Unlock Warfarer

Warfarer is Unlocked After The Sotted Sage Quest

The Warfarer vocation, often mistaken as Wayfarer, is unlocked after finishing the quest The Sotted Sage in the Volcanic Island Camp. If you've completed the quest Put a Spring in Thy Step to get the Magick Archer vocation, you should be in the vicinity of this quest.

Simply head up the wooden ramps and up a ladder to find Lamond who will give you the quest regardless of your dialogue choice. Proceed on finishing the quest by giving him 3 Newt Liqueur and he will grant you access to the Warfarer vocation. Speak to Lamond again to get the Grandmaster's Path, the Maister's teaching for the Warfarer vocation.

The Sotted Sage Walkthrough and Location

Best Warfarer Skills

Best Weapon Skills

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Rearmament Rating: ★★★★★
• Warfarer's only skill and is required for its gameplay
• If you don't use this skill, there is no point in using Warfarer
• Enables you to switch weapons belonging to other vocations.

Best Warfarer Builds

Warfarer Skills Build

Recommended Warfarer Loadout
Goring Lunge

The recommended skill loadout above makes sure your Warfarer has covered both ranged combat with Mage and melee combat with Warrior. Switch to a Warrior's Greatsword with Rearmament to attack head-on, then switch to a Mage's staff to deal with flying enemies or attack from a distance. Also, when your HP decreases you can use the Mage's core skill, Anodyne.

The above list is just an example but is something we recommend highly. Warfarers are extremely flexible and enable you to mix and match different skills from different vocations to match your playstyle. The biggest tip we could give though is to always have both ranged and melee skills in your arsenal to cover all bases and situations.

Don't forget to upgrade the skill to their improved versions as you unlock them!

Warfarer Augment Build

Augment Vocation / Description
Sustainment Required Rank: 2
Augments the physical Defense and Magick Defense of pawns in your party.
Endurance Required Rank: 4
Increases your maximum Stamina.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Warfarer Icon Warfarer
Required Rank: 6
Reduces the Stamina consumed when performing a weapon skill.
Exaltation Required Rank: 9
Augments your Stamina recovery speed.
Verve Required Rank: 9
Augments your Strength.
Sagacity Required Rank: 9
Augments your Magick.

Warfarers should adjust their augment pool depending on the main weapon that they want to use. If your Warfarer is more of a Fighter or Warrior, try to use the augments for either. Then, if your Warfarer is more of a caster you probably want to use the augments for Sorcerers. It all depends on what you identify as your main weapon from those that you can equip!

For our build, this focuses on dealing damage with either Goring Lunge (Warrior) and Levin (Mage). The augment list is a mix of durability and stamina management as that would help both playstyles.

Warfarer Pawn Party Composition

Arisen Main Pawn Hired Pawn Hired Pawn
Dragons Dogma 2 - Warfarer IconWarfarer Dragons Dogma 2 - Mage IconMage Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter

The best party composition for a Trickster has their main pawn as a Mage, and two front-line Fighter pawns to get the attention of enemies.

As a Warfarer, your main task is to be as flexible as you can be and flip-flop between supporting and dealing damage! In any case, the pawn loadouts will make sure your party is well balanced and ready for any situatioon.

To support you in battle, the Mage will be valuable as its healing capabilities. For recruited pawns, you can use the Fighter pawn as the meat shields to soak all the damage for you.

Best Party Composition

How to Unlock the Warfarer Maister Skills

Weapon Skill Description
Rearmament Skill Effect:
Instantly switches to a different weapon on the user's person. Select the type of weapons and the order in which they are equipped in the Equipment menu.
Unlocked via a Maister

Obtained Immediately After Unlocking the Vocation

The maister teaching skill, Rearmament, is immediately taught to the Arisen as soon as the vocation has unlocked for them. There is no need for an extra quest - simply talk to Lamond after unlocking the Warfarer vocation.

# Objectives
1 Finish the Sotted Sage Side Quest

All Maister's Teachings Locations and Skills

How to Play the Warfarer

Switch Weapons Consistently with Rearmament

Warfarers playstyle revolves around switching weapons to get the most out of all available vocations. The weapon skills you can use also depend on the weapon you have equipped so make sure to switch weapons first before using a skill. If you want to play as a Warfarer, you have to get used to this playstyle.

Can Customize Weapon Switching Order

Dragons Dogma 2 - Customize Weapon Switching Order

Thankfully, you can change the order in which you change weapons when you press the Rearmament button. You can do this in the Equipment menu so take advantage of this. Also, you do not have to worry about your carry weight - only the heaviest weapon is counted on your carry capacity! Sweet!

Have a Mage Staff for Healing

When using the Warfarer, we recommend to always bring a Staff for a Mage. This enables you to use the Mage's core skills for healing like Anodyne.

Best Weapons and All Weapons List

All Warfarer Augments

Augment Details
Zeal Augment Effect:
Reduces the Stamina consumed when performing a weapon skill.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1800
Dynamism Augment Effect:
Reduces the amount by which weight affects your movement speed.
Rank Unlocked: 9
DCP Cost: 5000

List of Augments

All Warfarer Skills

Weapon Skills

Weapon Skill Description
Rearmament Skill Effect:
Instantly switches to a different weapon on the user's person. Select the type of weapons and the order in which they are equipped in the Equipment menu.
Unlocked via a Maister

Rearmament is the Warfarer's only weapon skill, as it allows them to cycle between weapon types and wield them in battle!

List of All Weapon Skills

Core Skills

The Warfarer does not have any unique core skill as their currently equipped core skill depends on the weapon equipped!

List of All Core Skills

All Warfarer Weapons

The Warfarer can equip any weapon across all weapon types!

List of All Weapons

All Warfarer Armor

The Warfarer can wear any armor in the game as part of their flexible playstyle!

List of Armors and Effects

Warfarer Basic Information and Rating

Warfarer Warfarer Vocation Type
Hybrid Vocation
Equipable Weapons
Tier Rating
Tier Rating
A Rank N/A

Best Vocations and Class Tier List

Warfarer for a Mixed Playstyle in Combat


The Warfarer vocation mixes playstyles of other vocations, allowing it to adapt to any situation during combat.

The downside is that Warfarers have lower base stats compared to the other vocations, requiring them to fully utilize the strength of other vocations during certain situations.

Best Weapons and All Weapons List

Quite Difficult to Use Because of the Required Weapon Switching

Though Warfarer's boasts flexibility by being able to use skills from different vocations, it would still require you to switch weapons mid-fight. This may be confusing for some players and can even cause unnecessary deaths if not timed properly. Also, you need to have unlocked a certain vocation to use their skill.

How to Unlock All Vocations and Classes

Warfarer is Exclusive to the Arisen

Warfarer is a vocation exclusive to the Arisen. Your pawns cannot equip this vocation and there won't be any Warfarer for hire from Riftstones.

Best Pawn Vocations

Dragon's Dogma 2 Related Guides


Best Vocations and Class Tier List

List of All Vocations

Starter Vocations
FighterFighter ArcherArcher ThiefThief MageMage
Advanced Vocations
WarriorWarrior SorcererSorcerer
Hybrid Vocations
Magick ArcherMagick Archer Mystic SpearhandMystic Spearhand
TricksterTrickster WarfarerWarfarer

Vocations by Type

All Vocation Types
Starter Advanced Hybrid

Vocation Guides and Articles

All Vocation Guides and Articles
How to Unlock All Vocations How to Change Vocations
Should You Level All Vocations? -


1 Anonymous11 months

The Warrior Mage build posted would not actually benefit from Rearmament that much. No combos you could do while climbing or mid air. And the extra weight of the staff isn't much either. So for this build you can just swap weapons manually while on the ground. Without Rearmament you get an extra skill slot too. So you definitely don't have to absolutely equip Rearmament on Warfarer, as the article states at the start.


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