Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

All Romance Options: Romance Guide


There are only 2 romance options in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on to learn more about all romance options, how romance system works, and if you can romance multiple people or romance pawns!

All Romance Options

Romance Option Location Quest/s
Wilhelmina Romance Option DragonWilhelmina Rose Chateau Borderlie, Vernworth An Unsettling Encounter (Main Quest)
The Stolen Throne (Main Quest)
Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Dragons Dogma 2 Ulrika RomanceUlrika Harve Village Readvent of Calamity
Scaly Invaders
Trouble on the Cape
Home Is Where the Hearth Is

How to Romance Wilhelmina

Wilhelmina is one of the Romance options in Dragon's Dogma 2. Wilhelmina's Romance quest is Every Rose Has Its Thorn, but you can speak to her at the Rose Chateau Bordelrie upon arriving at Vernworth.

How to Romance Wilhelmina
1 Arrive at Vernworth during Seat of the Sovran main quest and do Brant's Vernworth Quests until you unlock The Stolen Throne and An Unsettling Encounter. Complete both quests.
2 During An Unsettling Encounter, make sure to jump out the window of Allard's chambers so that you encounter Wilhelmina and have an flirtatious exchange. It's possible to miss Wilhelmina's romance if you don't do this and instead go out Allard's front door.
3 After completing An Unsettling Encounter, talk to Wilhelmina at the Rose Chateau Bordelrie until you trigger her Romance Quest Every Rose Has Its Thorn.
4 It might take multiple days for that Romance Quest to trigger after completing An Unsettling Encounter. In our experience, it's varied from 1 day after completing An Unsettling Encounter to 8 days. Just keep resting at an inn for a day then talking to her until the quest triggers.
You'll know the quest is available if you encounter Rolf blocking the entrance to the room on the right of her quarters when you go to visit. Enter Whilhelmina's quarters and proceed to the right side of the room to peek behind the same painting you used during The Stolen Throne quest.
From there, complete Every Rose Has Its Thorn in order to achieve Wilhelmina's Romance scene.

Wilhelmina Romance Guide

Wilhelmina Romance is Missable

You have the opportunity to take on Wilhelmina's romance quest, Every Rose Has Its Thorn, up before The Guardian Gigantus. According to our testing, once you arrive at the Unmoored World, you'll no longer be able to help Wilhelmina take revenge against Allard.

How to Romance Ulrika

You can romance Ulrika in Dragon's Dogma 2. Ulrika has a Romance Questline beginning with the Readvent of Calamity side quest. You'll be able to find her and trigger this quest at Melve after completing at least one of Brant's Vernworth quests and before completing Feast of Deception.

How to Romance Ulrika
1 Arrive at Vernworth and talk to Captain Brant during the Seat of the Sovran main quest. Take and complete any one of this quests. We recommend taking on Disa's Plot as this is the fastest to complete. Travel back to Melve using the Oxcart in Northern part of Vernworth.
2 You'll arrive at Melve to see a dragon attacking the town. Repel the dragon to begin the Readvent of Calamity quest.
3 The Readvent of Calamity will take you to pursue Ulrika in Harve Village. Here, you'll have to progress the Scaly Invaders quest in order to unlock the next quest related to Ulrika, which is Trouble on the Cape.
4 Complete Trouble on the Cape, then return to Melve after a day. You'll now find guards stationed at the village entrance who will ask you to pay 5000 G to be able to enter. Agree to pay, and then proceed to Ulrika's House to speak with Lennart and begin the Home is Where the Heart Is quest.
Ulrika will learn about how you helped Melve Village and would like to express gratitude with regards to it. Return to her at night to trigger her romance scene.

Ulrika Romance Guide

Ulrika Romance is Missable


Be warned that the Readvent of Calamity quest and Ulrika Romance is missable, as you'll only be able to encounter the Lesser Dragon attacking Melve before Feast of Deception. If you fail to visit Melve before then, Ulrika will cease to appear in the subsequent quests related to her Romance.

How to Romance Ulrika

Can You Romance Pawns?

Pawns Can't be Romanced

Pawns serve as your primary companions and are not susceptible to deeper relationships. This, however, doesn't imply that you have a weak bond with your pawn, as they're considered to be one of the closest individuals to you. This can be proven when you offer your pawn to the Sphinx in the A Game of Wits quest.

Pawns System Explained

Can You Romance Multiple People?

You Can Romance Both Ulrika and Wilhelmina

We have confirmed it's possible to romance both Ulrika and Wilhelmina in a single playthrough. This is because romance only unlocks a single romance scene with both characters. It does not lock you into marriage with either character.

How Romance System Works

Romance is Different from Affinity


Although technically you can deepen your relationship with all significant NPCs through gift giving and quests, that correlates to a different system called Affinity.

There are only two romanceable characters in the game, determined by the presence of their romance scenes.

List of NPCs

Complete Romance Quests Only (No Need to Give Gifts)

To achieve Romance in the game, you simply need to complete the characters' Romance Quests. There is no need to give gifts to unlock a character's Romance scene. That is the separate game system Affinity, which just enables all NPCs to give you gifts in return.

During our playthrough, we were able to unlock the Romance scenes of both Wilhelmina and Ulrika romantic scene without once giving her any gifts and only progressing her romance quests.

How to Raise Affinity

No Romanceable Male Character

Unfortunately, there are no male characters that have unlockable romance scenes at the moment. If you have a favorite male character, the closest you can get is raising his affinity through giving gifts and doing related quests to him, if there's any.

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3 Anonymous11 months

Where's the male romance options? A glyndwr or Brent romance would have been nice. Looks like I'll be ignoring this part of the game just like I did in dark arisen. I hated the dark arisen games romance and I like dd2's romance even less.

2 Anonymous11 months

Just a heads up, your main pawn DOES have an affinity system that will change dialog when you speak with them and it will also slightly change a scene in the game's true ending. More info can be found on this reddit post where people are talking about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bqbpn4/psa_pawn_affinity/


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