Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

A Noble Exchange Walkthrough and Location

A Noble Exchange is a side quest in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read our guide for a walkthrough on how to start A Noble Exchange, where to find the thief, and all the possible outcomes in the quest.

How to Start A Noble Exchange

Attend a Masquerade After Masked Correspondence

This quest becomes available after completing the Masked Correspondence quest. After doing so, attend the masquerade at Vernworth Hall, which only occurs at night.

As soon as you enter the hall, a masked man will tell you about the gift exchange, which starts the quest. Note that masquerades only take place every 2 nights.

Requires Courtly Attire to Attend the Masquerade

Courtly Attire Location

Vernworth Castle 2F - Guest Chambers

You'll need to wear the Eventide Mask, Courtly Tunic, and Courtly Breeches to take part of the masquerade.

You get the mask from Captain Brant when starting The Stolen Throne. There are multiple ways to get the Courtly Attire, but we recommend the one located at the Guest Chambers of Vernworth Castle 2F (nearest to the masquerade hall), as this is fairly easy to get to.

A Noble Exchange Location

Map View
World View

A Noble Exchange begins in the Vernworth Hall of Vernworth Castle.

How to Complete A Noble Exchange

  1. Exchange Gifts with the Nobles
  2. Clear Yourself of Suspicion
  3. All Possible Quest Outcomes

Exchange Gifts with the Nobles

Wander around Vernworth Hall and walk by the nobles so they can engage you in conversation and give you gifts. You can also talk to the guests themselves to give them gifts, but this isn't required.

Clear Yourself of Suspicion

After wandering about and giving gifts, the guards will suddenly announce that a thief has stolen an artifact called the Paragon Staff, and all masquerade guests will require inspection.

The Quest Giver is the Culprit

You received this staff at the start of the quest, and the thief is the same mysterious man who started the quest. He is the male guest with a black and gold mask and has combed-back medium-length hair.

Pay attention to this man, as the quest has different outcomes depending on how you handle the situation.

All Possible Quest Outcomes

Choice Outcome
Grab the Thief ・The thief gets caught but you lose the Paragon Staff
Discard the Staff and Exit the Hall ・Both you and the thief are free to leave
・You can buy the staff later at Ibrahim's Scrap Store for 60,000 Gold
Discard the Staff and Grab the Thief (Recommended!) ・The Thief gets caught
・You can buy the staff later at Ibrahim's Scrap Store for 60,000 Gold

We recommend discarding the staff and grabbing the thief responsible for the heinous act to get the best outcome for this quest.

Where to Buy the Paragon Staff

Ibrahim's Scrap Store in Check Point Rest Town


If you discarded the staff while in Vernworth Hall, it eventually finds its way to Ibrahim's Scrap Store in Checkpoint Rest Town.

You can then buy the staff for 60, 000 Gold, which is a steep price but is the only way to get the Paragon Staff.

How to Get Gold Fast: Money Farming Guide

A Noble Exchange Quest Summary

How to Unlock and Rewards

Quest Type Side Quest
Location Vernworth
Unlock Condition Attend a masquerade after completing Masked Correspondence
Quest Giver ??? (Masked Man)
Rewards XP: 900

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List of All Quests

All Side Quests
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The Ailing Arborheart Tolled to Rest
‘Twixt a Rock and a Hard Place A Game of Wits
A Poisonous Proposal Masked Correspondence
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Till Death Do Us Part Mercy Among Thieves
A Magisterial Amenity Spellbound
A Veil of Gossamer Clouds A Candle in the Storm
A Trial of Archery The Sorcerer's Appraisal
Dulled Steel, Cold Forge The Phantom Oxcart
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Short-Sighted Ambition Trouble on the Cape
Put a Spring in Thy Step The Sotted Sage
Readvent of Calamity Gift of the Bow
A Case of Sculptor's Block The Gift of Giving
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