Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) Walkthrough Comments

What to Do Before CoronationComment

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    3 NC2227 monthsReport

    There are several side quests that have been repeatedly confirmed to fail when you complete the Coronation quest. They include (but may not be strictly limited to) - The Arisen's Shadow Readvent of Calamity Nameless Village Ornate Box Masked Correspondence Caged Magistrate Wilhelmina's storyline These seven quests/activities WILL FAIL at Coronation's completion. Furthermore, Saint of the Slums may also fail, Oxcart Courier may or may not fail, I'm not sure.

    2 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Which is hilarious because they have another page where they specifically say it’s a point of no return, and list all the missable quests if you do this one.

    1 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    this is 100% wrong

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