Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Battahli Jacket Stats and How to Get

Battahli Jacket is a Body Armor in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn about the stats of Battahli Jacket and where to get Battahli Jacket here!

Battahli Jacket Base Stats

Battahli Jacket Stats
Dragons Dogma 2 - Battahli Jacket
Defense Magick Defense Weight
38 25 0.70
Slash Res Strike Res Knockdown Res
0 2 11
Elemental Res Debilitation Res
None None
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief Icon

How to Get Battahli Jacket

Purchase at a Vendor

Vendor Location
Mondaine Nameless Apothecary
Nameless Village

The Battahli Jacket can be bought from the vendors above for a base price of 5400 G.

How to Get Gold Fast: Money Farming Guide

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Dragons Dogma 2 - Armors Partial Banner

List of Armors

All Armor Types

All Armor Types
Head Armor Body Armor
Leg Armor Cloaks
Rings -

List of All Body Armor

DragonAdept's Coat DragonAnimistic Robe DragonArch-Conjuror's Robe
DragonArcher's Vest DragonAres Morpho Robe DragonAugust Dalmatica
DragonBattahli Jacket DragonBeastren Pride DragonBestial Boon
DragonBladewielder's Coat DragonBrigand's Vest Brunhilda's Embrace
DragonBurgundy Coat DragonCardinal Robe DragonChain Mail
DragonChanter's Half Robe DragonCharming Corset DragonCourtly Tunic
DragonCreedbound Armor DragonDeepwood Jacket DragonDominator's Armor
DragonDominion Armor DragonDuelist's Coat DragonDvarapala
DragonEdified Vestment Elegant Petticoat DragonElven Garb
DragonEminent Coat DragonEnchanter's Quilted Gown DragonEnigmatic Robe
DragonEnshadowed Battle Garb DragonEonian Coat DragonEsoteric Vestment
DragonFencer's Jacket DragonFinal Roar DragonFoot Soldier Armor
DragonGauntleted Petticoat DragonGodsbeast Scalecoat DragonGraceful Tunic
DragonGrand Cuirass DragonGrand Surcoat DragonGuardian Plate Armor
DragonHalf-Plate Armor DragonHeroic Coat DragonHunter's Mail
DragonHyperboreal Lorica DragonImmaculate Blaze DragonIncanter's Coat
DragonIndomitable Armor DragonIntrepid Scalecoat DragonKnightly Brigandine
DragonLamellar Armor DragonMagician's Coat DragonMajestic Armor
DragonMarcher's Armor DragonMeadow Cloth DragonMeloirean Plate
DragonMiner's Shirt DragonMissionary's Robe DragonMonastic Toga
DragonMysterial Robe DragonNirvane DragonNoble Jacket
DragonOrphic Robe DragonOutlander's Garb DragonPlate Armor
DragonPriestly Habit DragonRampart Breaker DragonRanger's Vest
Researcher's Robe DragonResonance Armor DragonRobe of the Enlightened
DragonSacral Robe DragonScaled Jacket DragonSilhouette of Sorcery
DragonSoaring Surcoat DragonSoulskin DragonSpirit Coat
DragonStargazer's Garb DragonStoutdraw Armor DragonStygian Omen
DragonThrasher's Surcoat DragonTotemic Shroud DragonTribal Brace
DragonValiant Armor DragonValkyrian Scalecloth DragonVanquisher's Armor
DragonVashara Scaleskin DragonVerger's Gown DragonWildeagle Padded Armor


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