Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Ring of Recompense Effects and How to Get

The Ring of Recompense is a Ring in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn about the effects of the Ring of Recompense and where to get the Ring of Recompense here!

Ring of Recompense Effects

Ring of Recompense Stats
Dragons Dogma 2 - Ring of Recompense A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Boosts the wearer's Strength when their Health is low.
Weight 0.01

How to Get Ring of Recompense

Treasure Chest in Tomb of Renu'Lebarr

Map View

A Ring of Recompense can be found in a chest within the Tomb of Renu'Lebarr to the west of Bakbattahl.

All Treasure Chest Locations

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Rings -

List of All Rings

DragonEternal Bond DragonRing of Acclamation DragonRing of Accrual
DragonRing of Aggression DragonRing of Ambition DragonRing of Amplification
DragonRing of Articulacy DragonRing of Assurance DragonRing of Awareness
DragonRing of Benevolence DragonRing of Brawn DragonRing of Conservation
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DragonRing of Indifference DragonRing of Insomnolence DragonRing of Loquacity
DragonRing of Momentum DragonRing of Motility DragonRing of Percipience
DragonRing of Profusion DragonRing of Proximity DragonRing of Purification
DragonRing of Quenching DragonRing of Quickening DragonRing of Reassurance
DragonRing of Recitation DragonRing of Recompense DragonRing of Regeneration
DragonRing of Repellency DragonRing of Requital DragonRing of Resiliency
DragonRing of Resolution DragonRing of Skullduggery DragonRing of Tenacity
DragonRing of Tepidity DragonRing of Thawing DragonRing of Triumph
DragonRing of Vehemence DragonTurquoise Ring


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