Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Best Banners to Pull On

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Wuthering Waves - Best Convene Banner to Pull On

Each Convene banner in Wuthering Waves has its own worth in value, with each one being different based on who is on rate-up. Here are the Best Convene Banners for players to pull on!

What is the Best Convene to Pull Currently?

Yinlin Banner - When Thunder Pours

Wuthering Waves - Yinlin Banner - When Thunder Pours

Yinlin is an incredibly strong Sub-DPS unit capable of boosting Resonance Liberation DMG and Electro DMG, on top of doing coordinated attacks. This means that other characters will trigger attacks coming from Yinlin who is off-field.

The featured 4-Star Resonators are unfortunately lackluster as Main DPS units. Yinlin's banner is still recommended to pull from because of her ability to massively boost the party's damage output, especially when you have a strong Main DPS unit like Calcharo from the Free 5-Star Resonator Selector.

Rating ★★★★★
Rate Up! 5★ Wuthering Waves - YinlinYinlin
4★ Wuthering Waves - TaoqiTaoqi Wuthering Waves - AaltoAalto Wuthering Waves - YuanwuYuanwu

Yinlin Banner Release Date and Characters

Jiyan Banner - Prevail the Lasting Night

Wuthering Waves - Jiyan Convene Banner

Wuthering Waves' first Limited Convene Banner, Prevail the Lasting Night features a solid line-up of Resonators for new players to get used to. Jiyan is a powerful DPS unit that can dish out massive damage once he activates his Resonance Liberation.

The featured 4-star Resonators are great in their own right as well. Chixia can play it safe attacking from afar as a DPS, Mortefi provides another option for a Fusion DPS, and Danjin encourages a risky playstyle by spending her own health to get stronger.

Rating ★★★★★
Rate Up! 5★ Wuthering Waves - JiyanJiyan
4★ Wuthering Waves - DanjinDanjin Wuthering Waves - ChixiaChixia Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi

Jiyan Banner Release Date and Characters

Beginner's Choice Convene

Wuthering Waves - Beginner

The Beginner's Choice Convene takes place after the Utterance of Marvels is finished. Within 80 pulls, the 5-star Resonator will be one of the five currently available that you have properly chosen.

Beginner's Choice Convene Banner Guide

Convene Banner Recommendations

Utterance of Marvels - Novice Convene

Wuthering Waves - Utterance of Marvels Novice Convene Banner

Within 50 pulls under a discounted rate, players can get one of the five featured 5-Star Resonators!

Utterance of Marvels - Novice Banner Guide

List of Gacha Simulations

Wuthering Waves - Tidal Chorus Banner

Try our Convene Gacha simulators below to see how you might fare with the real deal!

All Gacha simulators are based on the in-game odds for each character and weapon.

Do take note that in Absolute Pulsation, the 5-star Weapon pulled will always be the featured rate-up weapon.

All Convene Gacha Simulators

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Convenes

All Current and Upcoming Convene Banners

All Active Convene Banners

Convene Banners
Tidal Chorus IconTidal Chorus Weapon Permanent Convene IconWeapon Permanent Convene
Utterance of Marvels IconUtterance of Marvels Prevail the Lasting Night IconPrevail the Lasting Night
Absolute Pulsation IconAbsolute Pulsation When Thunder Pours IconWhen Thunder Pours
Absolute Pulsation (Yinlin) IconAbsolute Pulsation (Yinlin) BeginnerBeginner's Choice Convene Banner

Upcoming Convene Banners

There are currently no available banners under this category!


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