Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Best Banners to Pull On

Version 2.0 guides here:
┣ Featured Builds: Carlotta, Zhezhi
┣ Weapons: The Last Dance, Rime-Draped Sprouts
┣ Upcoming Characters: Roccia, Jinhsi
Character Tier List | All Active Banners
┗ New Updates: Rinascita, Echoes, Sonata Effects

Wuthering Waves - Best Convene Banner to Pull On

Each Convene banner in Wuthering Waves has its own worth in value, with each one being different based on who is on rate-up. Here are the Best Convene Banners for players to pull on!

What is the Best Convene to Pull Currently?

Carlotta and Zhezhi Banners

Carlotta and Zhezhi

5★ Rate Up
Wuthering Waves - CarlottaCarlotta Wuthering Waves - ZhezhiZhezhi
4★ Rate Up
Wuthering Waves - MortefiMortefi Wuthering Waves - SanhuaSanhua Wuthering Waves - ChixiaChixia

Carlotta is currently the best Glacio DPS in the game, with Zhezhi being her best support! Both characters are available in the first phase of Version 2.0! If you do not have this team complete yet, this is your chance!

Carlotta Banner Guide Zhezhi Rerun Banner Guide

Should You Get Carlotta or Zhezhi First?

If you only need to choose one, we suggest going for Zhezhi first. She is the best support for both Carlotta and Jinhsi. Zhezhi gives coordinated attacks to build up Jinhsi's Forte stacks. Additionally, her Outro buffs Glacio and Skill DMG which is great for Carlotta, or even Lingyang!

In the end, we still suggest checking what your team needs and pull based on that. Need a Main DPS? Go for Carlotta. Need a Support? Go for Zhezhi!

4-Star Resonator Rate-Up Analysis

Most of the 4-Stars are free, making this banner a great way to get their Resonance Chain.

  • Mortefi is a great Fusion Support to DPS units who deal Heavy-Attack damage, like Jiyan. His Ultimate and Outro skill can be used to buff damage, despite only requiring a short on-field time!
  • Sanhua is one of the most versatile supports in the game. She amplifies basic attacks, and also deals a decent amount of Glacio damage. Sanhua is also free, making her highly accessible.
  • Chixia is a Fusion-Pistol character that can serve as either a DPS or Sub-DPS. She hits from afar, making her gameplay very forgiving for new players. Lastly, similar to Sanhua, Chixia is also free!

Best Team Comps

Beginner's Choice Convene

Wuthering Waves - Beginner

The Beginner's Choice Convene takes place after the Utterance of Marvels is finished. Within 80 pulls, the 5-star Resonator will be one of the five currently available that you have properly chosen.

Beginner's Choice Convene Banner Guide

Convene Banner Recommendations

Utterance of Marvels - Novice Convene

Wuthering Waves - Utterance of Marvels Novice Convene Banner

Within 50 pulls under a discounted rate, players can get one of the five featured 5-Star Resonators!

Utterance of Marvels - Novice Banner Guide

List of Gacha Simulations

Wuthering Waves - Tidal Chorus Banner

Try our Convene Gacha simulators below to see how you might fare with the real deal!

All Gacha simulators are based on the in-game odds for each character and weapon.

Do take note that in Absolute Pulsation, the 5-star Weapon pulled will always be the featured rate-up weapon.

All Convene Gacha Simulators

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Convenes

All Current and Upcoming Convene Banners

All Active Convene Banners

Convene Banners
Absolute Pulsation (Rime-Draped Sprouts) IconAbsolute Pulsation (Rime-Draped Sprouts) Absolute Pulsation (The Last Dance) IconAbsolute Pulsation (The Last Dance)
Chromatic Prose IconChromatic Prose When Silence Tolls IconWhen Silence Tolls
BeginnerBeginner's Choice Convene Banner Utterance of Marvels IconUtterance of Marvels
Weapon Permanent Convene IconWeapon Permanent Convene Tidal Chorus IconTidal Chorus

Upcoming Convene Banners

Convene Banners
Stage in the Box IconStage in the Box Thawborn Renewal IconThawborn Renewal
Absolute Pulsation (Tragicomedy) IconAbsolute Pulsation (Tragicomedy) Absolute Pulsation (Ages of Harvest) IconAbsolute Pulsation (Ages of Harvest)


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