STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

How to Get GP-25 Attachment and Compatible Weapons

GP-25 is an Underbarrel Attachment in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl. Learn about the compatible weapons for GP-25, its overview, and how to get it.

How to Get GP-25

Open the Safe in Intercom Tower

You can get the GP-25 Attachment from a safe inside the Intercom Tower located in the northeastern part of the Cement Factory Region. You will need to open the safe first by using the code 030794.

Intercom Tower Safe Code

Can be Purchased from Traders

The GP-25 attachment can be purchased from Traders found in the zone. If the attachment does not appear in the inventory of a Trader from the list below, rest on a bed to refresh their inventory until the attachment becomes available for purchase.

Based on testing, the following Traders will have a chance to sell the GP-25 attachment when you check their inventory:

Trader Location
Owl Base: Sultansk
Region: Zaton

GP-25 Compatible Weapons

AKM-74SAKM-74S CombatantCombatant Valik LummoxValik Lummox's AKM-74S

GP-25 Overview

Type Weight Coupons
Underbarrel 1.3 11400
Designed for AKM-47 and AKM-74 series assault rifles, this underbarrel grenade launcher offers a practical solution for accurately launching grenades over several hundred yards.

STALKER 2 Related Guides

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List of Attachments

Attachment Lists

Open Collimator SightOpen Collimator Sight Coupled Dnipro MagazinesCoupled Dnipro Magazines Two-O-Three Underbarrel Grenade LauncherTwo-O-Three Underbarrel Grenade Launcher
Holographic SightHolographic Sight Collimator SightCollimator Sight High-Capacity UDP MagazineHigh-Capacity UDP Magazine
High-Capacity PTM MagazineHigh-Capacity PTM Magazine Pistol SuppressorPistol Suppressor Large RP-74M Ammo BoxLarge RP-74M Ammo Box
RNBW 2X ScopeRNBW 2X Scope Tactical Pistol SilencerTactical Pistol Silencer POS 8X ScopePOS 8X Scope
Pistol SilencerPistol Silencer Assault Rifle SuppressorAssault Rifle Suppressor PAO 2X ScopePAO 2X Scope
ACOG 4X ScopeACOG 4X Scope PSO 4X ScopePSO 4X Scope Assault Rifle SilencerAssault Rifle Silencer
Holemaker-LHolemaker-L GP-25GP-25 Coupled AKM-74 MagazinesCoupled AKM-74 Magazines
High-Capacity APSB MagazineHigh-Capacity APSB Magazine High-Capacity AKM-74 MagazineHigh-Capacity AKM-74 Magazine High-Capacity Buket S-2 MagazineHigh-Capacity Buket S-2 Magazine
High-Capacity FORA-221 and Kharod MagazineHigh-Capacity FORA-221 and Kharod Magazine High-Capacity GROM S-14 MagazineHigh-Capacity GROM S-14 Magazine High-Capacity Integral-A MagazineHigh-Capacity Integral-A Magazine
High-Capacity M10 MagazineHigh-Capacity M10 Magazine High-Capacity Saiga D-12 MagazineHigh-Capacity Saiga D-12 Magazine High-Capacity SVU-MK S-3 MagazineHigh-Capacity SVU-MK S-3 Magazine
High-Capacity Zubr-19 MagazineHigh-Capacity Zubr-19 Magazine High-Capacity GP37 MagazineHigh-Capacity GP37 Magazine High-Capacity AR416 System MagazineHigh-Capacity AR416 System Magazine
High-Capacity Viper-5 MagazineHigh-Capacity Viper-5 Magazine High-Capacity VS Vintar MagazineHigh-Capacity VS Vintar Magazine High-Capacity AS Lavina MagazineHigh-Capacity AS Lavina Magazine
High-Capacity Mark 1 MagazineHigh-Capacity Mark 1 Magazine Storm Falcon 8X ScopeStorm Falcon 8X Scope High-Capacity Gauss MagazineHigh-Capacity Gauss Magazine
Sniper Rifle SilencerSniper Rifle Silencer Saiga D-12 Drum MagazineSaiga D-12 Drum Magazine


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