STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

How to Get Saiga D-12 Drum Magazine Attachment and Compatible Weapons

Saiga D-12 Drum Magazine is a Magazine Attachment in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl. Learn about the compatible weapons for Saiga D-12 Drum Magazine, its overview, and how to get it.

How to Get Saiga D-12 Drum Magazine

Supply Room Before Granite Squad Fight

Saiga D-12 Drum Magazine

The Saiga D-12 Drum Magazine can be acquired inside the supply room right before you fight the Granite Squad during any of the final missions of the game: Let No One Leave Unsatisfied, The Last Step, or The Eternal Shining.

List of All Main Missions

Saiga D-12 Drum Magazine Compatible Weapons

Saiga D-12Saiga D-12 Margach D-12MTMargach D-12MT

Saiga D-12 Drum Magazine Overview

Saiga D-12 Drum MagazineSaiga D-12 Drum Magazine
Type Weight Coupons
Magazine 0.5 9000
For a semi-automatic shotgun, nothing beats a high-capacity magazine - except maybe a drum magazine with even greater capacity! Perfect for annihilating anything that moves.

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List of Attachments

Attachment Lists

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High-Capacity Zubr-19 MagazineHigh-Capacity Zubr-19 Magazine High-Capacity GP37 MagazineHigh-Capacity GP37 Magazine High-Capacity AR416 System MagazineHigh-Capacity AR416 System Magazine
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High-Capacity Mark 1 MagazineHigh-Capacity Mark 1 Magazine Storm Falcon 8X ScopeStorm Falcon 8X Scope High-Capacity Gauss MagazineHigh-Capacity Gauss Magazine
Sniper Rifle SilencerSniper Rifle Silencer Saiga D-12 Drum MagazineSaiga D-12 Drum Magazine


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