STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

How to Get High-Capacity AR416 System Magazine Attachment and Compatible Weapons

High-Capacity AR416 System Magazine is a Magazine Attachment in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl. Learn about the compatible weapons for High-Capacity AR416 System Magazine, its overview, and how to get it.

How to Get High-Capacity AR416 System Magazine

Railway Bridge in Cordon

The High-Capacity AR416 System Magazine can be looted from a stash on a train in Cordon. Look for the broken railway bridge at the center of the region and go to the west side. The stash can be found inside the driver's compartment.

Cordon Region Guide

On a Building in the Ward Chemical Plant Base

There's another High-Capacity AR416 System Magazine at the roof of one of the buildings in the Ward base in Chemical Plant. Find the stairs at the southeast side of the base and follow its path until you get to the building on the northwest. You can find the stash with the attachment near the edge.

1 From the southeast entrance, turn left and up the first stairs that you see.
2 Once at the top, turn left immediately and hug the fence while walking west. You'll find a ladder that leads to a walkway.
3 Follow the walkway and cross the platform near the end to reach the roof of a building.
4 Go to the northern edge of the roof to find the stash containing the High-Capacity AR416 System Magazine.

Chemical Plant Region Guide

Only Available If You Sided with Ward

Since this is a Ward base, you must have sided with the Ward during the Wishful Thinking main mission or all the Ward soldiers in this base will be alerted and attack you the moment you step inside.

You will still need to sneak past the soldiers to avoid drawing aggro even if you sided with Ward in Wishful Thinking. The base will only be completely safe after the events at SIRCAA and if you're sided with Ward.

Should You Side with Ward or Noontide?

High-Capacity AR416 System Magazine Compatible Weapons

AR416AR416 Unknown StalkerUnknown Stalker's AR416 AR416 MonolithAR416 Monolith
SOFMODSOFMOD ClusterfuckClusterfuck

High-Capacity AR416 System Magazine Overview

High-Capacity AR416 System MagazineHigh-Capacity AR416 System Magazine
Type Weight Coupons
Magazine 0.2 5500
A high-capacity 5.56x45mm caliber magazine for use with AR416 system rifles. More ammunition means a better chance of hitting the target.

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List of Attachments

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2 Anonymous3 months

There is another one on the roof of the Warta Chemical Plant.

1 Anonymous3 months

There is another one on the roof of the Warta Chemical Plant.


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