Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Lorelei Location and How to Get to It

Version 2.2 is slated for March 27!
┣ New 2.2 Characters: Cantarella, Aero Rover
┗ Reruns: Camellya, Shorekeeper
Version 2.1 still ongoing!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┗ Rerun Characters: Changli

Wuthering Waves - Lorelei Location and How to Beat
Lorelei is a Boss you can challenge in Wuthering Waves. See how to get to Lorelei and its location, how to beat it, and its material drops!

Lorelei Related Guides
Location and Rewards Echo Skill and Info

Lorelei Location and How to Get to It

Located in Atrium of Reflections

Lorelei Location
Lorelei is located in the Atrium of Reflections within the Nimbus Sanctum region in Rinascita. You may access the boss without much progress in the story. This boss also only appears at night (18:00 - 06:00). If you go to this boss during the day, you may sit on a chair near the boss area entrance to make it nighttime.
Rinascita Interactive Map and 100% Guide

How to Beat Lorelei

Lorelei Strategy

Watch Out for Bubble Attacks

Lorelei has two variations of attacks with big bubbles:

Homing Bubbles

Lorelei Homing Bubble
Lorelei will throw three bubbles that will follow you until it hits your character or the ground. You may dodge through the bubbles when they are close or dodge away until they hit the ground.

Giant Bubble

Lorelei Giant Bubble
Lorelei throws one giant bubble towards you. This attack does not follow your position but goes in your general direction. Quickly dodge to the side to avoid taking damage.

Dodge Crossing Slash Attack

Lorelei Slash Attack
After throwing the giant bubble attack, Lorelei will unleash a crossing slash attack. If you are close enough and get hit by this, you can get juggled in the air, leaving you vulnerable to her following attacks.

Lorelei Has Two Phases

After depleting this boss' shield for the first time, it would trigger a second phase with new attacks to watch out for.

Slash Attack Combo

One of the trickiest attacks to avoid in the second phase would be a slashing attack combo that can temporarily throw you into the air, leaving you vulnerable to more damage. This attack starts with Lorelei teleporting and doing a slash attack.

Star Barrage

Lorelei also often throws a barrage of stars that home in on your position. Repeatedly press dodge to avoid taking damage.

Resistant to Havoc

Lorelei is resistant to Havoc damage. Resonators like Rover (Havoc) or Danjin will deal less damage to this boss.

List of All Havoc Characters

Lorelei Material Drops

List of Drops

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Bosses Related Guides

List of All Bosses

All Boss Guides

Boss Guides
All Boss Locations All Weekly Bosses
All World Bosses Tactical Hologram: Calamity

List of World Bosses

List of Bosses
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Wuthering Waves - Feilian BeringalFeilian Beringal Wuthering Waves - Impermanence HeronImpermanence Heron Wuthering Waves - Inferno RiderInferno Rider
Wuthering Waves - Lampylumen MyriadLampylumen Myriad Wuthering Waves - LoreleiLorelei Wuthering Waves - Mech AbominationMech Abomination
Wuthering Waves - Mourning AixMourning Aix Wuthering Waves - Sentry ConstructSentry Construct Wuthering Waves - Tempest MephisTempest Mephis
Wuthering Waves - Thundering MephisThundering Mephis


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