Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Impermanence Heron Location and How to Get to It

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Impermanence Heron is a Boss you can challenge in Wuthering Waves. See how to get to Impermanence Heron and its location, how to beat it, and its material drops!

Impermanence Heron Related Guides
Location and Rewards Echo Skill and Info Nightmare Echo Skill and Info

Impermanence Heron Location and How to Get to It

Camp Overwatch

To reach Impermanence Heron, it's best to start from the Desorock Highland beacon and follow the path on the right since it will lead you straight to the boss.

Descend from the Peaks of Camp Overwatch

Wuthering Waves - Impermanence Heron Camp Overwatch Beacon

If you're on the peaks of Camp Overwatch, you may need to descend to reach the resonance beacon to the right of Impermanence Heron. You can use this beacon to rematch the boss more easily.

List of All Boss Locations

Tactical Hologram in Wuming Bay

Wuthering Waves - Tactical Hologram Impermanence Heron Location

Impermanence Heron's Tactical Hologram is near the Wuming Bay Resonance Beacon. It should be around the southern part of the Corroded Ruins.

All Tactical Hologram: Calamity Locations

How to Beat Impermanence Heron

Beat Impermanence Heron Strategy

Dodge and Counterattack Impermanence Heron's Moves

Impermanence Heron's attacks are dodgeable and can be easily anticipated because of its slow animation. Time your dodges right and swiftly follow up with a counterattack.

Parry When Impermanence Heron Does Its Swoop Down Move

Impermanence Heron's move where it flies back to swoop towards you can be parried. Wait for the parry rings to appear and time your attack right.

This will chunk its vibration strength which, after being depleted, will immobilize it. Putting it in this state will allow you to strike with everything you got!

How to Parry and Counterattack

Use Intro Skills Against Impermanence Heron

Another way to deplete its vibration strength to immobilize Impermanence Heron is to use Intro Skills against it. It will deal a significant amount against its vibration strength bar, so use it while you can!

Tactical Hologram Has More Moves

Wuthering Waves -  Tactical Hologram Impermanence Heron Has More Moves
After depleting more than half its health, the Tactical Hologram version of Impermanence Heron will merge its three heads into one. It gains new moves in this form, including one where it puts its head on the ground and deals heavy Havoc damage over a wide area.

Resistant to Havoc Damage

Impermanence Heron is resistant to Havoc damage. Resonators like Taoqi and Danjin will do less damage than usual if they are used.

List of All Havoc Characters

Impermanence Heron Material Drops

List of Drops

Impermanence Heron's materials can only be claimed by using 60 Waveplates after clearing its Boss Challenge.

Waveplate Recharge Rate and How to Restore

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Bosses Related Guides

List of All Bosses

All Boss Guides

Boss Guides
All Boss Locations All Weekly Bosses
All World Bosses Tactical Hologram: Calamity

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