Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Feilian Beringal Location and How to Get to It

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Feilian Beringal is a Boss you can challenge in Wuthering Waves. See how to get to Feilian Beringal and its location, how to beat it, and its material drops!

Feilian Beringal Related Guides
Location and Rewards Echo Skill and Info Nightmare Echo Skill and Info

Feilian Beringal Location and How to Get to It

Giant Banyan

Feilian Beringal is located within the Giant Banyan in the Dim Forest area. To get to Feilian Beringal, approach the base of the large tree and look for a resonance beacon through the toxic fog. The boss will be inside the tree.

List of All Boss Locations

Tactical Hologram is South of Wenye Beach

Wuthering Waves -  Tactical Hologram Feilian Beringal Location
Upon reaching Union Level 27, you can fight Feilian Beringal's Tactical Hologram: Calamity located south of Wenye Beach. These are challenging encounters, so be prepared when facing them.

All Tactical Hologram: Calamity Locations

How to Beat Feilian Beringal

Beat Feilian Beringal Strategy

Dodge and Counterattack Feilian Beringal's Moves

Most of Feilian Beringal's attacks can be dodged. It's a big boss, so it's easy to anticipate its attacks. Keep in mind you also need to watch out for the shockwaves from several of its moves.

Keep doing this and counterattacking, since Feilian Beringal takes a bit of time to get back up after doing its moves.

Parry When Feilian Beringal Does Its Stepback Move

Feilian Beringal has a move where it will stepback and try to grab you. This move can be parried so you can wait for the parry rings to appear to time your attack right.

Feilian Beringal rarely does this move, so make sure to stay alert when it does this since it chunks its vibration strength, making it quicker to immobilize it.

How to Parry and Counterattack

Harder Modes Have a Second Phase

Wuthering Waves - Feilian Beringal Second Phase

Feilian Beringal has a second phase where it attacks with a pillar after breaking its first Vibration Strength bar. It's far more aggressive, having new attacks like its spin attack where you need to dodge multiple times in a row to survive.

This tougher version of the Feilian Beringal can be encountered in its Tactical Hologram and in higher difficulties of Depths of Illusive Realm.

Aero Element Boss

Wuthering Waves - Feilian Beringal Aero Attacks Damage Over Time

Feilian Beringal's attacks deal Aero damage, meaning they can cause damage over time if you get hit by its attacks. Feilian Beringal is also resistant to Aero damage so Resonators like Jianxin or Yangyang will do less damage than normal if they're used.

Elements Guide and Status Effects

Feilian Beringal Material Drops

List of Drops

Feilian Beringal's materials can only be claimed by using 60 Waveplates after clearing its Boss Challenge.

Waveplate Recharge Rate and How to Restore

Wuthering Waves Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Bosses Related Guides

List of All Bosses

All Boss Guides

Boss Guides
All Boss Locations All Weekly Bosses
All World Bosses Tactical Hologram: Calamity

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