Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Jiyan Best Builds and TeamsComment

Showing 1-20 of 34 entries


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    34 Anonymous25 daysReport

    What the f are you talking about. Its wuwa not genshit, go play in ur game and leave this site. Btw dodge button go brr on your genshit characters xD

    33 Anonymous29 daysReport

    I can literally tell that you're either baiting or just outright don’t understand Jiyan’s full potential. Jiyan has one of the highest DPS and best CC in the game. Sure, power creep is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean older characters are weak. You, on the other hand, are clearly showing a skill issue. I’m *not* attacking you, but calling him one of the weakest is such an understatement that it proves you don’t truly understand his kit and potential.

    32 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    The worst purchase on the account. I got this character after listening to "useful" tips from guides, like he's very strong. Don't be fooled - this is the weakest 5 star DD character. In terms of damage, it's barely at the level of the free 4-star Yang Yang. Only Yang Yang is much more comfortable, more maneuverable, and gains "forte" faster.

    30 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Within 5x 10 pulls i was lucky enough to pull jiyan 3times ( in 1x 10 pull i got him 2 times lol ). Ive got him now on s6 and hes so damn strong its crazy. My favorite character since release

    29 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    my c6 neuv, my e6 acheron, and my s6 xiangli yao solos ur jinshi little wittle bro

    28 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Forte section suddenly explains about Jianxin... 9/20/2024

    27 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    why are people saying he got powercrept, hes insanelu strong 8/21. the center tower is resistant to light so i used him there and beat both floors, keep in mind i have a s6 jinshi, jiyan is by far the strongest S0 character in the game

    26 Lupical8 monthsReport


    25 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    why bother rolling a dude? because husbando > meta that's why. I roll for their design not their kit

    22 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Imagine a limited 5* character that fall from meta to Yuanwu.

    20 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    ez skip

    19 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Last update on 18 May, 2024

    18 Anonymous9 monthsReport


    17 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Last updated on 25 May, 2024

    16 Anonymous10 monthsReport


    15 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Last updated on 20 Mar, 2024

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