Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

All Side QuestsComment

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    6 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    To get side quest "Danger! Explosive!", trigger the explosives near Exile Yongli (South of Violet Banyan).

    5 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    There is a side quest ("Misfortune on a Workday") near Resonance Beacon (Huanglong-Central Plains). Go to "Gubei Pass" (South of a lake) and find a Ministry of Developent engineer in an Exiles camp.

    4 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Some quests were missing Like, 'Danger Explosive', 'disaster during workday (I forgot about the actual title)'

    3 Liam10 monthsReport

    Starting from ver1.1, please indicate which version each side quest is released, it would be very heplful for users when checking what side quests they haven't done

    2 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    The first link is archon quest The second and third link quests are already available in this website

    1 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    there are 3 more quests that i have found in some videos and probably more but idk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UqzghAr_lY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItpUXxDO2rA&t=41s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlVvKvkduZY This is not my channel but letting you know

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