Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Camellya Builds and Best TeamsComment

Showing 1-20 of 34 entries


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    34 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Dude, enemy interuption cannot cancel budding mode, just canceling Ephemeral's damage, huge dps losses but still getting important buff, don't worry i'm almost UL74 not consider amateur in this game

    33 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Anyone know Sequence one : Immune to interruptions while casting Ephemeral. Its works on 3rd attack while on vines, the blazing walts(spin 2 win)!!?? Or u still get knock down and stun!!!???

    32 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    about combo guide , why we need keep using Aoe Red camelya??? Why not using mid air spin single target camelya.. Why this guide just/only use red camelya, after her concerto get full and exploded , i feel white camelya doing more damage

    31 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Feels like skill issue man , she does take alot of field time so if they are not used with her combo , their dps gonna be shit.

    30 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    she is mainly using her combo to burst and finish with stronger form , the dps of her right now is similar to jinshi , jinshi is slightly higher since camellya doesnt have a dedicated sub dps yet i think. The only support that can buff her thorughout her long - ass rotation is shorekeeper.

    29 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    I dont get it i do combo and timing right but doing shit, also while doing blazing waltz i get so many knock back. Camelya s0 lvl 90 Sumnoire r5 lvl 90 Skill/talent/forte. Full/max With sanhua and shorekeeper Still do much much less damage than Xianly Yao and Jinhsi team. Why its SS(SCAM)? With low damage output and intruption in blazing waltz Also sequence one dosent change interruption in blazing waltz.

    28 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    git gud

    27 Anonymous4 monthsReport


    26 Onsen Tamago4 monthsReport

    They promoted her to SS now, so they are open to quick re-evaluations at least.

    25 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    If your jinhsi is slower in killing boss than camellya, it means your jinhsi build and/or team isn't optimal.

    24 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    my condolences to those who skipped shorekeeper to pull camellya

    23 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Who the fuck rated this an S? Just an S? Come on.

    22 Really confused person4 monthsReport

    I got her weapon TY

    21 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Many people think that she is only good with her blossom mode, but please note that both modes deal almost the same dmg, just with different play styles. Personally, when facing a single boss, I prefer white mode, and red mode when dealing with multiple enemies. Anyway, I cleared all the holograms and towers (other than the havoc ones) faster than Jinhsi...and she is placed in the same DPS tier as Calcharo and Encore...? I am confused

    20 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    he ain’t giving you money bro…

    19 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    we're here to talk about the character's performance, if you're to start shit with other people, you can get tf out.

    18 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Yes, read the cons, try her and you will understand why this tier rank is wrong

    17 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    bunch of crybabies with their ss bs...

    16 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    I agreed with their whole tier list until today. They missed the mark by FAR with this one lmao.

    15 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Def skill issue, you can dodge perfectly fine on that mode.

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