Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Shorekeeper Best Builds and TeamsComment

Showing 1-20 of 23 entries


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    23 Anonymous5 daysReport

    yalls ass so lucky.. i never even got her :(

    22 Anonymous13 daysReport

    It feels like Game8 is trolling when the first DPS they list for Shorekeeper is Jinhsi, a burst DPS that wants as many Incandescence stacks as possible. Quickswapping Verina has much higher DPS for that reason. This isn't new information either. It's supported by statistics from 8 months ago

    21 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    I think they made an error. The substat need at 1 star is resonance liberation, not skill. Her resonance skill isn't very useful for DPS

    20 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    I am making her a main dps and no one is gonna stop me. I’ve got her s2, but next rerun her s6 is the goal.

    19 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    she made me hit hard pity (~68 pulls or something). however, i luckily won the 50/50. Time to lock in for Yinlin's weapon next version.

    18 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    lost 50/50 to verinaaaa I got the wrong healer haha

    17 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    7 pulls for shorekeeper, 10 for her weapon, 1 for lingyang (currently guaranteed again)

    16 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    i hate you

    15 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    I pulled for her at 40 pity and got her twice!?

    14 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Repositioning Combo get 3.08+5+1.2*2+1*5+6=21.48 concerto energy. Stellar Symphony only get 8 concerto energy, then doesn't this combo lack 0.52 concerto energy?

    13 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    overpowered support, must-pull limited

    12 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Shorekeeper got her 10 pulls. Last updated on: August 23, 2024 10:34 AM

    11 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Yeah it is. She needs 250% ER.

    10 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    350% ER isnt even possible in game bro, that has to be wrong.

    9 Cultured Flamingo6 monthsReport

    Dainsleif (Waifu Ver.) On a serious note, it's about time an alternative to Verina for dual team in Tower of Adversity

    8 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    That's disappointing if true. It would be rather boring if the elements were just a basis for similar classes.

    7 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    My mind refuses to acknowledge twink characters

    6 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    lingyang exists

    5 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    lingyang exists

    4 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    shes not shes spectro and a healer I believe, you can look on reddit for wuwa leaks

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