Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Shorekeeper Character Info and KitComment

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    8 Anonymous6 daysReport

    That's disappointing if true. It would be rather boring if the elements were just a basis for similar classes.

    7 Anonymous6 daysReport

    My mind refuses to acknowledge twink characters

    6 Anonymous6 daysReport

    lingyang exists

    5 Anonymous6 daysReport

    lingyang exists

    4 Anonymous8 daysReport

    shes not shes spectro and a healer I believe, you can look on reddit for wuwa leaks

    3 Anonymous8 daysReport

    she has to be a glacio main dps. We don't have one yet.

    2 Anonymous14 daysReport


    1 Anonymous15 daysReport

    Please dont be ANOTHER spectro 5-star support female that uses a rectifier…

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