Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

All Special Enemy LocationsComment

Showing 1-8 of 8 entries


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    8 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    and fuck these fracdicioduouous followers too they can jump off that damn cliff they love to fall off of

    7 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    fuck these gorillas bro these monkeys dont play

    6 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    i mean might as well keep fighting them just because theyre the only thatll give you a challenge, unless youre just playing casually, the bear & rock dude are good practice for dodging, & are basically a free 5* echo every time

    5 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    So no point after initial kill. Got ya

    4 Anonymous4710 monthsReport

    Additional follow up with the new daily reset, my current working theory is they have a max respawn timer of 3 days. So a little over twice per week.

    3 Anonymous4710 monthsReport

    At the very least I can confirm that they don't have the same respawn timer (unless it is indeed random within a range).

    2 Anonymous4710 monthsReport

    Their respawn is not with the weekly reset. I can't confirm exactly what it is, it might even be random within a range.

    1 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    You didnt include the chasm rider near qichi village

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