Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments


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    14 Anonymousabout 21 hoursReport

    Done 6 Save the Cat daily quests, no achievement so far.

    13 Anonymous4 daysReport

    Why do devs think locking achievements behind dailies is a good idea? It sucks in Genshin, it sucks here and it will suck in any other game.

    12 Anonymous7 daysReport

    4 cats saved+ 1 quest you have to give some herbs, still no trophy :(

    11 Anonymous12 daysReport

    4 cats saved here, still no trophy

    10 Anonymous13 daysReport

    Same here. I rescued 3 cats (just got the third), but still no trophy

    9 Daver5523 daysReport

    I did the quest, then 1 daily where I had to pick a cat from some place and then another daily where I had to save a cat from a group of enemies. Still no achievement.

    8 DerpyVenom26 daysReport

    completed 3 of the "Save the World? Save the Cat!" quest so far. probably there's a few more out there

    7 Anonymous28 daysReport

    It says "all" of the quests so I think it means doing the daily quests that supposedly start popping up after having done the side quest

    6 Anonymous29 daysReport

    он был у меня, завершил его, не засчиталось

    5 Anonymous29 daysReport

    yea i already did it but the achievements didnt count it

    4 Anonymous29 daysReport

    Если у меня этого квеста нет что делать? Я можно сказать все квесты сделал только этот остался но его у меня нету типа не могу поговорить с ней

    3 Anonymous30 daysReport

    I think its bugged theres no cat on the tree but i remember doing it back then

    2 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    yea same issue here

    1 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    i dont get the achievement but i already done this quest. does anyone experience the same?

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