Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments


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    24 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    still waiting for this quest and no cat involve in my daily im so depressednow help me

    23 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    How many cats are there in total? It feels like I'm missing out on something. I've done a bunch of these daily quests but I can't seem to get any achievement.

    22 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    this shit still bugging me since launch

    21 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    I just got the achievement today!! I believe it was a total of ten quests. Four quests in which you save one cat each, four followup quests in which you get them plants as a treat, one quest in which you feed them,and one quest in which you speak to the NPC involved. Afterwards the series is finished

    20 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Finally got the achievement. It takes getting the daily something like 12 times. I lost count eventually, but you save all the cats, and then need to bring them noctemints 3-4 times until another man shows up next to the NPC.

    19 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Ok so, I did the initial quest where you save the cat from the cherry blossom tree a few weeks ago and haven't had any dailies since then. Is it level locked or something? I've unlocked every part of the map and stuff.

    18 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Ehh no, my alt account has the achievement so it's very much possible.

    17 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    My best guess is that much like some of the other achievements, since the whole Map isn’t released yet its currently unobtainable. Examples of this are character story quests for characters releasing in the second part of the patch, like yinlin’s and changli’s.

    16 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    I think the strategy here is to not do the daily quest if it's not related to the achievement because I noticed that the daily you'll get in the next day is similar to the quest yesterday. By skipping a daily that isn't related to the cat quest we could potentially get a random quest the next day instead that could potentially be the cat quest.

    15 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    ok; here 4 cats saved, 1 quest you have to give some herbs, 1 quest you have to give 2 Noctemints, and still no trophy Good luck everyone :p

    14 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Done 6 Save the Cat daily quests, no achievement so far.

    13 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Why do devs think locking achievements behind dailies is a good idea? It sucks in Genshin, it sucks here and it will suck in any other game.

    12 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    4 cats saved+ 1 quest you have to give some herbs, still no trophy :(

    11 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    4 cats saved here, still no trophy

    10 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Same here. I rescued 3 cats (just got the third), but still no trophy

    9 Daver5510 monthsReport

    I did the quest, then 1 daily where I had to pick a cat from some place and then another daily where I had to save a cat from a group of enemies. Still no achievement.

    8 DerpyVenom10 monthsReport

    completed 3 of the "Save the World? Save the Cat!" quest so far. probably there's a few more out there

    7 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    It says "all" of the quests so I think it means doing the daily quests that supposedly start popping up after having done the side quest

    6 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    он был у меня, завершил его, не засчиталось

    5 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    yea i already did it but the achievements didnt count it

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