Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Jinhsi Best Builds and TeamsComment

Showing 1-20 of 39 entries


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    39 Anonymous24 daysReport

    It took a lot of research to finally realize Shorekeeper really isn't good for Jinhsi. Since Verina is far superior at quickswapping and making incandescent stacks. Jinhsi is a burst DPS unlike many DPS characters that benefit greatly from Shorekeeper. If you're curious look up the zigzag rotation.

    38 Anonymous27 daysReport

    ca y'all add the "she needs 100% crit" she sometimes miss critting in 0-98%

    37 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    Game8 does the arse pull even with the genshin 4 stars.

    36 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    bro pulled the numbers fresh out of his arse

    35 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    Nah fam S2 doesn't really make much difference in damage this whole page has mistakes. S2 gives u max dmg while u stay out of combat for 4 sec. It gives u a burst of dmg before engaging on combat but that's abt it. Its also useful in TOA as it helps u start off with a easy 200k dmg but that's about it. Jihnsi sequences are all not that good except S1(1.33 boost of dmg) and S6(directly doubles the dmg of dragon puke). Even with S2 u need zhezhi,yinlin to charge ur forte circuit.

    34 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    sorry bro but I think you have serious skill issue

    33 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    Go for JInshi's S2 if you have the resources. Don't get me wrong, S0 and S1 are amazing but S2 makes life easier

    32 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    The person who wrote 30 said Jinhsi is bad at s0, but someone else said you are bad at the game. This is the problem of not understanding what you read lmao

    31 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    your jus really bad at the game buddy lol

    30 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Jinhsi is the only pay to win character in the game. Without S6, R5 she absolutely useless. Even deal trash damage without the Ages of Harvest weapon. Other characters can be used in S0 but Jinhsi is completely pay to win. I have tried many different rotations and I can say this with certainty, s0 r1 (withour Ages of Harvest) Jinhsi garbage.

    29 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    I am at thirty and I am a handsome man (not self-proclaimed) with thin stature, known as a good guy, decently popular with girls, and still not married, because still needs more money till I don't think about it, so.. thank you for the compliment

    28 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    is yuanwu good with jinhsi

    26 kate8 monthsReport

    lost my 50/50 to encore and then got her at pity 75, now i'm hoping I get verina so I can user her on my jinhsi/jianxin/verina team :)

    25 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Last update on 12 March, 2024

    24 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Nah it won't. her c1 only 8% irc.

    23 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Last update on 7 Feb, 2024

    22 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Resonance Chain 1 is pretty strong. Look like i must attack at least 4 times before use last E skill variation, so Illuminous Epiphany always stronger 80% than before. Am i understanding it correctly? Sequence 6 is absolutely strong but i cannot effort that. I'm intent to pull this char again to get sequence 1. Any advice? will it worth?

    21 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Enjoy this is currently the best character in the game. Far more powerful than any other unit.

    20 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Got her today. She somehow did over 11K damage at level one with some crit rate and crit damage echoes but i am buildig her now

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