Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Absolute Pulsation Weapon Banner GuideComment

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    3 Teddybeararu2 monthsReport

    There is a grammatical or omission issue in the roccia signature part. It says "If you already have the latter, giving Roccia's signature weapon will your team's overall damage!" There is an omission between "will" and "your". I think u shud add "Improve" between them to make it right.

    2 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    The "Is It Worth to Pull for Verdant Summit?" section needs to be updated. It's information talks about it as if it's a sword weapon, when it is a broadblade. So characters like Rover cannot use Verdant Summit.

    1 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    you're gonna want to update your countdown timers, because the start and end points have been moved forward a week, starts June 6th and ends June 26th. check the in-game announcement for the version update time adjustment notice for more details.

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