Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Best Team CompsComment

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    3 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    The idea behind the full aero team is to buff aero damage as that's how some of the characters work best. It's not the guide's fault if you come across element resistant enemies. The idea of these guides is to help you build an effective comp. So you need to learn what enemies you are going to be facing and build a comp around that, based off of the ideas given and who you have available to use.

    2 Fye10 monthsReport

    Idk whose ideas was it to have all three with the same element comp, but I just found out that there are monster that resist 100% of one element and I had to use echo to kill it. Hopefully there are not a lot of that monster because if I built my team with one element only and had to fight those during time trial or something, it would be suck.

    1 InSomnia10 monthsReport

    Glad I can count on game8 to give us helpful and resources guide as always!

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