Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Danjin Best Builds and TeamsComment

Showing 1-15 of 15 entries


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    15 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

    Heavily reliant on player skill to maximize DPS This is NOT CHARACTER WEAKNESS, more like PLAYER WEAKNESS That mean she only have 1 weakness

    14 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    yes she does you can use her as a sub dps since you can just spam skill and then switch to healer and use another main dps

    13 Yada4 monthsReport

    How is her 23% Havoc Damage compared to the 38% Basic Attack bonus that Sanhua gives using Camellya or Rover?

    12 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    has anyone tried yet danjin with taoqi, is simply immoral blender, and they say S tier

    11 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    let it be. people brainrot too much from genshin.

    10 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    just because you bring 2 dps doesn't make 1 main and 1 sub 💀 it is just double main dps danjin DOESN'T HAVE POTENTIAL as a SUB

    9 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    One of the best thighs on the game hands down..

    8 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    I randomly got Danjin onto my first set of pulls, and immediately after used all my resources to get Verina. By herself she's S tier but with Verina as her pocket hp battery you're just a damn blender.

    7 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Last uptdate on 28 May, 2024

    6 doritosgotmelike10 monthsReport

    Danjin has got to be a 5 star disguised as a 4 star, SS-tier for sure but only if you got skill

    5 Zamista10 monthsReport

    For normal attack combos, I recently discovered that if you hold normal attack (left click) and spam skill (E) She will ignore the first basic attack she does before doing the charged attack and do her skill into the charged attack. It is her highest DPS combo so use it when you need to shred boss health bars. Specially when their toughness is 0%.

    4 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Last updated on 19 May, 2024

    3 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    what is her best temmate?

    2 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    is this character worth pulling?

    1 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Last updated on 3 May, 2024

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