Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Baizhi Best Builds and TeamsComment

Showing 1-8 of 8 entries


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    8 BaizhiCute15 daysReport

    why is Baizhi soooo cute like wtf

    7 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Just a correction based on my own testing and other websites, Baizhi's outro heals the on field character for 30 seconds and this buffs them, even if you switch to another character it will keep healing so she isn't much worse than verina

    6 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Last update on 3 May, 2024

    5 dj10 monthsReport

    so shes the Barbara of this game?

    4 Xela10 monthsReport

    ... Is there a way to build her as a DPS or sub-DPS? By any chance?

    3 Redley10 monthsReport

    Curious to see if building her 4 HP, 3 Energy, 3 Energy, 1 HP and 1 HP would beef up her damage. Thinking of trying it since I have farmed a few Bellbornes with HP mains but if anyone else has already let me know the results you found.

    2 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Bell-Borne Geochelone can roll rejuv tho

    1 Gbss10 monthsReport

    Bell-Borne Geochelone was a Moonlit Clouds. What are you talking about? Rejuvenating Glow x5 set?

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