Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Baizhi Best Builds and TeamsComment

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    6 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Last update on 3 May, 2024

    5 dj4 monthsReport

    so shes the Barbara of this game?

    4 Xela4 monthsReport

    ... Is there a way to build her as a DPS or sub-DPS? By any chance?

    3 Redley4 monthsReport

    Curious to see if building her 4 HP, 3 Energy, 3 Energy, 1 HP and 1 HP would beef up her damage. Thinking of trying it since I have farmed a few Bellbornes with HP mains but if anyone else has already let me know the results you found.

    2 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Bell-Borne Geochelone can roll rejuv tho

    1 Gbss4 monthsReport

    Bell-Borne Geochelone was a Moonlit Clouds. What are you talking about? Rejuvenating Glow x5 set?

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