STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Railway Maintenance Facility Door Code Solution

Stalker 2 Railway Maintenance Facility Door Code Solution

This is a guide for the Railway Maintenance Facility Door Code in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl. Learn the Railway Maintenance Facility Door Code, its location, and how to solve it here!

Railway Maintenance Facility Code

Door Code: 2468

The Railway Maintenance Facility Door Code is 2468. This code remains the same in every playthrough, allowing you to enter it directly to unlock the safe.

Accessing the room behind the door rewards you with the PSZ-5I Hawk, as well as a loot drop containing heals, food, and ammo.

How to Get the Railway Code

Painted on Different Areas of the Railway

The four digits of the code are painted on different areas of the railway area. You will have to input them beginning with the train car in the northeast corner of the area and proceed clockwise, resulting in the sequence 2468.

Train Car Numbers
1 Wall of a Derailed Train Car (2)
Roof of Small Brick Building (4)

Note: Use the concrete slabs directly in front of the train car where you find the last code (8) and continue platforming to the right to spot the number on top of the small brick building (4).
3 Side of an Excavator (6)
4 Wall of a Train in the Westernmost Track of the Area (8)

Railway Maintenance Facility Location

In Zaton Region

The Railway Maintenance Facility Door is in a Railway Station located in the western part of the Zaton Region.

STALKER 2 Interactive Map

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