Elden Ring

Confessor Class Best Stats to Level Up and Starting Equipment

Confessor is one of the ten starting classes in Elden Ring. Read on to learn more about the Confessor class including its starting equipment, base stats, tips on how to play as Confessor, and the best stats to level up!

Confessor Equipment and Stats

Starting Equipment

Elden Ring - ConfessorConfessor Starting Level
Starting Spells
Urgent Heal / Assassin's Approach
Right Hand Armament Left Hand Armament
Broadsword / Finger Seal Blue Crest Heater Shield
Head Chest Hands Legs
Confessor Hood Confessor Armor Confessor Gloves Confessor Boots

Base Stats

Vigor 10 Mind 13
Endurance 10 Strength 12
Dexterity 12 Intelligence 9
Faith 14 Arcane 9

All Stats and Attributes

Confessor Strengths and Weaknesses

Excels in Strength and Faith, but Lacks Vigor and Endurance

With high Strength and Faith stats, the Confessor can be seen as a 'Faith Warrior' class. On the other hand, with an Endurance of only 10, you may run into problems as this stat is tied directly to Equip Load. This is in direct conflict with the Strength stat, as you will likely tend toward heavier weapons.

Best Stats to Level Up for Confessor

First Aim for 20 Vigor

Starting out, aim for 20 Vigor. With a 12 in Strength, you'll have your pick of the litter when it comes to heavy weapons early on, so there's no need to invest in that stat.

Raise Either Strength or Dexterity Alongside Faith

While Faith is the essential component of a true Confessor build, whether you focus on Strength or Dexterity next is up to you. Choose the weapon you want to use first, and then choose the stat to invest in based on whether the weapon you like is Strength-scaling or Dexterity-scaling.

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1 Anonymousabout 2 years

Are you stupid or something? Why are you recommending the same build on every character? 20 vigor early is unnecessary on most of the classes. Teaching people to cower behind their hp bar is such a waste.


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