Elden Ring

Astrologer Class Best Stats to Level Up and Starting Equipment

Astrologer is one of the ten starting classes in Elden Ring. Read on to learn more about the Astrologer class including its starting equipment, base stats, tips on how to play as Astrologer, and the best stats to level up!

Astrologer Equipment and Stats

Starting Equipment

Elden Ring - AstrologerAstrologer Starting Level
Starting Spells
Glintstone Pebble / Glintstone Arc
Right Hand Armament Left Hand Armament
Astrologer's Staff / Short Sword Scripture Wooden Shield
Head Chest Hands Legs
Astrologer Hood Astrologer Robe Astrologer Gloves Astrologer Trousers

Base Stats

Vigor 9 Mind 15
Endurance 9 Strength 8
Dexterity 12 Intelligence 16
Faith 7 Arcane 9

All Stats and Attributes

Astrologer Strengths and Weaknesses

The Class for Magic Users

With a 15 in Mind and 16 in Intelligence, the Astrologer Class fights with magic. Dexterity also sits at a decent 12, so small weapons are not out of the question. That said, the Strength stat is very low, so weapons may be limited at the start of the game. The Faith stat is incredibly low at 7, so this class is not suited for those looking to use Incantations. If you're wanting a class for pure Sorcery, the Astrologer is the way to go.

Not Recommended for Beginners

It might seem at first that the Astrologer is suitable for beginners, being that you can utilize long-distance combat. However, with very low Vigor and Endurance stats, the inevitible close combat situations will prove to be difficult for beginners. On top of that, it's important to learn early techniques like parrying, so choosing the Astrologer class may mean missing out on these basic skills.

In order to learn basic combat skills that the game demands, it's better to go with Vagabond, Warrior, Hero, or Samurai if it's your first playthrough.

Best Stats to Level Up for Astrologer

Raise Mind and Intelligence First

It is recommended that Astrologers specialize in magic by investing in Mind and Intelligence right away. Mind can increase the FP consumed when using magic, and Intelligence can increase the attack power of magic (Sorcery). Both stats are related to magic attacks, raise the power of your magic to justify going with the Astrologer build.

Invest in Vigor When HP is Lacking

There's no class that can do without HP, so when your Mind and Intelligence stats are to a satisfactory level, use any leftover Ruins to invest in Vigor.

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List of Classes

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VagabondVagabond WarriorWarrior
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