Elden Ring

Warrior Class Best Stats to Level Up and Starting Equipment

Warrior is one of the ten starting classes in Elden Ring. Read on to learn more about the Warrior class including its starting equipment, base stats, tips on how to play as Warrior, and the best stats to level up!

Warrior Equipment and Stats

Starting Equipment

Elden Ring - WarriorWarrior Starting Level
Starting Spells
Right Hand Armament Left Hand Armament
Scimitar Scimitar / Riveted Wooden Shield
Head Chest Hands Legs
Blue Cloth Cowl Blue Cloth Vest Warrior Gauntlets Warrior Greaves

Base Stats

Vigor 11 Mind 12
Endurance 11 Strength 10
Dexterity 16 Intelligence 10
Faith 8 Arcane 14

All Stats and Attributes

Warrior Strengths and Weaknesses

High Dexterity with Low Vigor and Endurance

The Warrior's best stat by far is its 16 Dexterity. Weapons that scale with Dexterity are recommended for use with the Warrior class. Also, it has a Mind stat of 12 and the FP is decent, you can also parry frequently, or improve your Intelligence and Faith to build a magic swordfighter build.

Best Stats to Level Up for Warrior

Raise HP for Stability

The Warrior's Vigor stat is on the low side, so it's recommended to invest in it to a point where you can take a few hits from enemies.

Increase Dexterity Next

It's recommended to lean into the Warrior's strong point and invest even more in Dexterity. Leveling up its Dexterity will make it harder to be thrown from your horse, and will allow you to make use of longswords and curved blades as well.

Level Up Endurance with Leftover Runes

If you have Runes burning a hole in your pouch, consider spending some in Endurance. Straight swords and curved swords will eat up your stamina bar because they require several swings.

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