Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Training Gauntlets Best Characters and How to Get

Version 2.1 is out now!
┣ New Character & Weapon: Brant, Unflickering Valor
┣ Materials: Blazing Bones, Golden Fleece
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┣ New Event: Tactical Simulacra III, Infinite battle Simulation II
┗ Phase 2 Characters: Changli

Training Gauntlets is a 1-Star Gauntlet Weapon in Wuthering Waves (WuWa). See the best characters for Training Gauntlets, how to get it, as well as information, stats, and materials to level up Training Gauntlets!

Training Gauntlets Best Characters

Who is Training Gauntlets Good For?

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Training Gauntlets Stats and General Information

Training Gauntlets Basic Information

Training Gauntlets
Training Gauntlets Image
Type Gauntlet

Increase ATK by 4%.
These gauntlets are designed specifically for training and teaching, offering only the basic features.

Training Gauntlets Stats

Lv. ATK Value Bonus Stat
1 20 2.5%
20 52 4.5%
40 99 6.5%
50 129 7.5%
60 159 8.4%
70 189 9.4%
80 Under Investigation!
90 Under Investigation!

If you already have the missing maximum stats for the other levels, we encourage our users to submit images with the missing stats in the comments to help improve our pages. We thank you for your support!

Training Gauntlets - Weapon Stats Comments

Training Gauntlets Syntony Levels

Rank Skill Effect
1 Increase ATK by 4%.
2 Increase ATK by 5%.
3 Increase ATK by 6%.
4 Increase ATK by 7%.
5 Increase ATK by 8%.

How to Get Training Gauntlets

Obtained from Chests

The Training Gauntlets is obtainable from chests scattered all over the vast open world of Wuthering Waves. Make sure to open each one you see to get multiple copies of this weapon.

Training Gauntlets Leveling Materials

List of Materials Per Level

Level Materials
20 → 40
40 → 50
50 → 60
60 → 70
70 → 80
80 → 90
Under Investigation!

Total Materials to Max Level

Total Materials to MAX Level
LF Howler Core IconLF Howler Core
MF Howler Core IconMF Howler Core
HF Howler Core IconHF Howler Core
FF Howler Core IconFF Howler Core
Cadence Seed IconCadence Seed
Cadence Bud IconCadence Bud
Cadence Leaf IconCadence Leaf
Cadence Blossom IconCadence Blossom

Wuthering Waves (WuWa) Related Guides

Wuthering Waves - Weapons.png
List of All Weapons

List of Weapons by Rarity

Weapon Rarity
5 ★ 4 ★ 3 ★
2 ★ 1 ★

List of Weapons by Type

Weapons Types
Gauntlet CharactersGauntlets Pistol CharactersPistols Rectifier CharactersRectifiers
Sword CharactersSwords Broadblade CharactersBroadblades

List of All Gauntlets

Abyss Surges IconAbyss Surges Tragicomedy IconTragicomedy VerityVerity's Handle
Amity Accord IconAmity Accord Celestial Spiral IconCelestial Spiral Gauntlets#21D IconGauntlets#21D
Hollow Mirage IconHollow Mirage Legend of Drunken Hero IconLegend of Drunken Hero Marcato IconMarcato
Stonard IconStonard Gauntlets of Night IconGauntlets of Night Gauntlets of Voyager IconGauntlets of Voyager
Guardian Gauntlets IconGuardian Gauntlets Originite: Type IV IconOriginite: Type IV Tyro Gauntlets IconTyro Gauntlets
Training Gauntlets IconTraining Gauntlets


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