Throne and Liberty Walkthrough Comments


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    6 Sultanabout 2 monthsReport

    Please update with 2-star gear and accessories where applicable

    5 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    Please fix the wand traits. Lequirus' Wand does not have a cooldown speed trait.

    4 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Hey I've noticed there is a good rotation for single target with this build, I mostly use it on co-op dungeons: Enchanting time>Davinci's Courage>Willbreaker>Stunning Blow>Ascending slash>Guillotine and Deathblow and cruelsmite during those 20s of CD With this I've gotten up to 30k doubled damage so far

    3 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Thanks for the build. Could you elaborate on the roles this can take in endgame co-op dungeons? I know it's a solo build but to get the gear I still need to party up. While the healer can pretty much ignore me (good sustain), I fail to see my contribution in a dungeon. Damage output is too low to be able to contribute in a meaningful way but I also can't heal or tank.

    2 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Thanks for the guide. I am following it and am enjoying the build so far (lvl 50 grinding traits atm). I noticed, that this has been updated but fail to see the changes? Is there a version history? Also for the unallocated skills specialisation points I am using some on triple heal to give it more sustain. Since I don't have all the build gear yet it seems to be essential at this point.

    1 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    There are still Skill Specialization Points that not yet spend. There is also bug in Shock Single Target Burst Rotation, the image missing is Death Blow (Hold). Thank for the guide, I hope the elite team will soon update this.

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