STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl Walkthrough Comments

How to Get the Corundum Suit and StatsComment

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries


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    7 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Farmed some monolithian kills at sphere, ended up finding a bunch on then after a while.

    6 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    that is not corundum armor

    5 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    how to climb up that tower? i dont see any ladder and the door cant be unlocked

    4 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    I found mine at the top of the tower at Icarus.

    3 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    one of the better non-exo armors in the mid game. About even with the Bulat, but with extra psi protection. Only downside is that you'll look like a monolithian. But given that the game has no faction apparal that changes how the world reacts to you, there's no reason to not wear what you like.

    2 Kenjin244 monthsReport

    i can vouched for this. I just found it in the spot listed above its hanging right off a shelf as soon as you walk into the storage area where dubny use to be.

    1 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    You can find it at Noontide base while completing "Just Like the Good Old Days" main mission. It can be found in opened storage where Dubny used to seat.

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