Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP)

Battle Codes: Private Match Passwords

PTCGP - Private Match Passwords
This is Game8's Battle Code Private Match Password Sharing Board for Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket (PTCG Pocket). Find other players to add for versus battles and with specific rules and more!

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Battle Codes Friend Board

How to Use the Battle Codes Board

Basic Format

Use the format below to search for other players to private match with.

Name: Pikachu
Password: 9124vtl456
Search Time Limit: Searching Now. Will wait maximum of 10 minutes. Please hurry :)

Battle System Explained

Note: Please don't use your real name or personal details when creating your password, and limit to only 10 characters maximum.

Rules (Optional)

You can also set optional rules for your private matches, such as Psychic-only matches or using decks with no support cards.

Name: Pikachu
Password: 9124vtl456
Rules: Psychic only, no Poke Balls, no ex
Search Time Limit: Searching Now. Will wait maximum of 10 minutes. Please hurry :)

Battle Codes Board Rules

Pokemon TCGP AllowShare your Friend Code to Other Players.

Pokemon TCGP RuleDo not share private and sensitive information.

Pokemon TCGP RuleNo submissions that are offensive to others.

Pokemon TCGP RuleNo slander or harassment.

Pokemon TCGP RuleNo images that violate public standards.

Pokemon TCGP RuleNo submissions irrelevant to this board.

Pokemon TCGP RuleNo posting of the same contents repeatedly.

Pokemon TCGP RuleNo advertising for other sites or apps.

Pokemon TCGP RuleNo posting for finanical gain (via RMT, etc.)

Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

Friend ID Codes Sharing Board

Pokemon TCG Pocket Custom Passwords for Random Battles

Type Passwords for Rules

Type Code
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Colorless Type Icon Colorless COL
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Grass Type Icon Grass GRA
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Water Type Icon Water WAT
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fire Type Icon Fire FIR
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Lightning Type Icon Lightning LIG
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Darkness Type Icon Darkness DAR
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Fighting Type Icon Fighting FIG
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Dragon Type Icon Dragon DRA
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Metal Type Icon Metal MET
Pokemon TCG Pocket - Psychic Type Icon Psychic PSY
No Darkness Rules Pokemon Example

Use the Above Type Codes to Battle Like-Minded Trainers Online

If you're looking to match with trainers using specific Type Decks or Matchups, use the codes above to match with like-minded trainers

Include VS or No to Customize Passwords

Combine the above codes with terms like vs or no to set custom passwords for custom rules with randoms online.

For example, COLvsCOL means Colorless vs Colorless only, FIRvsWAT means Fire vs Water (hopefully you don't both bring fire and water in order to match well), or noPSY for a match where any Type is accepted, exept for Psychic Types!

Battle Term Codes for Rules

Battle Term Code
ex EX
Basic BA
Stage 1 S1
Stage 2 S2
Supporter SU
Trainer TR
Poke Ball PB
Item IT
Professor's Research PR
Sabrina SA
Gusting GU
Benched Pokemon BP
Switching SW
No Trainers and No EX Rules Example

Further Customize Battles with Custom Ruleset Passwords

Use the above codes in conjunction with no / vs to further customize your random matches!

For example a match with no gusting and no switching would be noGUSW, while a match restricted to only Basic non-ex Pokemon would be noEXS1S2.

Best Cards Tier List

How to Do Private Matches

Private Match Guide

1 Make your way to the Versus screen and click on Private Match.
2 Choose the deck that you'll play during the patch.

To change the deck, click on the starter deck and choose which deck you'll play.
3 Click on the Password to bring up the Password Settings.

You have the option to create your own Password or generate a random 6-digit passwod.
3.1 Passwords have a limit of 10 characters and you can use special characters.

Avoid using your real name or personal information when generating passwords.
4 Click on the Battle button to start searching for opponents with your password.
5 The game will notify you with an Opponent Found when you match with another player with the same password.

When is Trading Coming?

Pokemon TCG Pocket Related Links

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Wiki
Pokemon TCG Pocket Top Page

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1 Anonymousabout 17 hours

Name: BidoofFan Password: 81B1D00F21 Rules: No Fighting types Search Time Limit: Searching now. Waiting for 10 mins. glhf


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