Final Fantasy 16 (FF16)

Flight of a Fledgling Walkthrough

FF16 - Flight of a Fledgling Walkthrough
Flight of a Fledgling is one of the Main Quests in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16). Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards, as well as other tips and strategies on how to complete this Main Quest!

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Flight of a Fledgling Overview

Quest Information

Flight of a Fledgling
Quest Type Main Quest
Recommended Level 7
Description: The Shields of Rosaria have marched to Phoenix Gate that the dutchy's Dominant and heir to the throne, Joshua, might hear the Words of their Ancestors, as is custom before any great battle. However, the night before the ceremony, the young prince is stirred from his slumber by the sounds of battle. The fortress is under attack, and Joshua must fight his way to his father with the aid of but a single brave Shield.

How to Unlock

FF16 - making for Phoenix Gate
Flight of a Fledging becomes available after teleporting to the Phoenix Gate in the Lost in a Fog quest. Watch through or skip the cutscenes to start it!

Flight of a Fledgling Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

# Flight of a Fledgling Objectives
Escape the stronghold
You will be controlling Joshua at the start of this quest. Follow Wade and try to escape the stronghold with him.
You will encounter an armored enemy inside a room. Use Joshua's flame abilities to burn away the enemy.

Proceed to the next area after that, with finding the archduke in mind.
Find the archduke
On the next room, you will face two more of the same enemy. Fight them until they're defeated, and then you can go to the next area afterward.
There's one more enemy on the way. Defeat it and make your way to the next area until you meet up with the archduke and Clive.
Search the keep for survivors
You will switch back to Clive at this part of the quest. Head out and look for any survivors in the fortress.
Fight off the enemies inside the hall. There are a total of five enemies you have to beat before you can continue your progress.
Open the door leading to the next area on the left and loot a High Potion and a Potion from the corpses inside. Push the door and go outside once you're done looting!
Slay the invaders
There will be four enemies waiting in the open area. Take them out one by one until they're all defeated!
Defeat Knight of the Blinding Dawn
The Knight of the Blinding Dawn will appear after beating all the enemies in the area. It will start off with a Cinematic Evasion (Quick Time Event), so press the R1 button to dodge and avoid getting damaged before you even start the fight.

His movement are quite easy to follow, so time your dodge and parry to create an opening and hit him until he's down!
How to Beat Knight of the Blinding Dawn
Defeat the Second Eikon of Fire
During the chaos of battle, another Eikon of Fire will appear on the battlefield. It will be the continuation of the battle in the intro, which means you'll be using the Phoenix again on this battle.

The battle and controls would still be the same, except you'll have to do the aiming using the L Stick, and the battle duration will be longer! The quest will end after this fight.
How to Beat Second Eikon of Fire
End of Demo
Flight of the Fledgling is the end of the Final Fantasy 16 Demo. It's possible to carry over the progress you've made during the demo to the main game. It means you can continue with the story right away once you get the base game!
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How to Beat Knight of the Blinding Dawn

FF16 - Knight of the Blinding Dawn Boss Fight

Knight of the Blinding Dawn is a miniboss that uses spear to attack its opponent. It is also quick on its feet so try to match his movement to hit him and evade its attacks!
How to Beat Knight of the Blinding Dawn

Dodge and Parry Attacks

Time your dodges and parry to create an opening for a clean counter and follow-up attacks. Rinse and repeat until you defeat him!

If you're having trouble dodging or parrying, you can try to do range attacks for a while until you get used to seeing his attack.

How to Parry Attacks

Don't Miss the Quick Time Events

Try not to miss any of the Quick Time Events, as they will help you preserve your health or get a free hit. There should be enough time to execute them, so try not to panic and observe the scenario!
Quick Time Events Guide

Flight of a Fledgling Boss: How to Beat Second Eikon of Fire

Second Eikon of Fire Boss Guide

How to Beat Eikon of Fire

Aim and Spam Attack Button

FF16 - Flight of a Fledgling - Spam Attack
Just like you did in the game's intro, spam attack button against the second Eikon of Fire. However, you will need to do some aiming using the L stick to hit it.

The aim assist is still strong so you can just move the cursor close to the boss and it will automatically lock on it.

Follow Quick Time Events

FF16 - Flight of a Fledgling - Hellfire QTE
The Quick Time Events in this fight are mostly Cinematic Evasions, except when the second Eikon of Fire is about to launch a Hellfire. Don't let your guard down and chip away its HP as much as possible to get through this attack easily!

Final Fantasy 16 (FF16) Related Guides

FF16 - Main Quests

Main Quest Walkthroughs

Prologue Quests (Youth)

Main Scenario
1. A Flamed Summoned 2. To Kill a Dominant
3. Pride 4. Sunrise, Sunset
5. Lost in a Fog 6. Flight of a Fledgling

First Act Quests (Adolescence)

Main Scenario
7. A Chance Encounter 8. Hide, Hideaway
9. Fanning Embers 10. Louder than Words
11. The Dead of Night 12. Headwind
13. Wings of Change 14. Awakening
15. The Wages of Guilt 16. The Hunter and the Hunted
17. Homecoming 17.1. Building Bridges
17.2. A Bearer's Lot 18. Holding On
18.1. Back in the Day 19. Buried Memories
20. The Meaning of Life 21. Righting Wrongs

Second Act Quests (Adulthood)

Main Scenario
22. The Crystal's Curse 23. Cid the Outlaw
24. Home, Sweet Home 25. The Gathering Storm
25.1. Dark Clouds Gather 25.2. Release
26. Bloodlines 27. Black Light Burns
27.1. Black or White 28. Here Be Monsters
29. Fire and Ice 30. After the Storm
31. Capital Punishment 32. Bolts from the Blue
32.1. Getting to Work 33. Riddle of the Sands
33.1. Follow the Crystals 34. Into the Darkness
35. Out of the Shadow 35.1. Letting Off Steam I
35.2. Letting Off Steam II 35.3. Letting Off Steam III
36. Onward 36.1. To Catch a Thief
36.2. Blood from the Stones 37. Fire in the Sky
38. Things Fall Apart 38.1. Why We Fight
38.2. The Flames of War 38.3. Down the Rabbit Hole
39. Cloak and Dagger 40. Evenfall
41. A Song of Hope 41.1. Like Father, Like Daughter
42. Full Steam 43. Through the Maelstrom
44. Across the Narrow 45. Footfalls in Ash
46. The Last King

Final Act Quests (Endgame)

Main Scenario
47. Brotherhood 48. Streets of Madness
49. Back to Their Origin 49.1. Of Gods and Men


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