Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Duo Heroes and Harmonized Heroes Stats and Ratings

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Stats of All FEH Duo and Harmonized Heroes

This is a page of all Duo and Harmonized heroes in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Read on to see the stats and compare ratings of all of these heroes with unique active skills!

Duo and Harmonized Heroes Banner.png

Hero Properties

Close PhysicalClose Physical Ranged PhysicalRanged Physical Close MagicClose Magic Ranged MagicRanged Magic
Physical WallPhysical Wall Magic WallMagic Wall Effective WeaponEffective Weapon Movement AssistMovement Assist
Excluive SkillExcluive Skill All-Range CounterattackAll-Range Counter RecoveryRecovery Refresher AssistRefresher Assist
LegendaryLegendary MythicMythic Duo/HarmonizedDuo /

Duo Heroes

Move Type
Lucina - Shadows of Fate ImageNinja Lucina Cavalry ImageCavalry 40 53 48 28 24 9.9
Peony - Álfar Dream Duo ImageNew Year Peony Flying ImageFlying 40 48 43 16 23 9.5
Chrom - Fate-Defying Duo ImageValentine's Chrom Infantry ImageInfantry 40 58 27 40 26 9.5
Thórr - Sun-Kissed Gods ImageSummer Thórr Flying ImageFlying 40 57 16 30 38 9.5
Askr - Renewed Gods ImageNew Year Askr Infantry ImageInfantry 40 56 16 42 37 9.5
Seiðr - TimeNew Year Seiðr Flying ImageFlying 40 61 29 17 46 9.5
Lyon - Esteemed Royals ImageValentine's Lyon Cavalry ImageCavalry 39 61 16 26 46 9.5
Robin - Vessels of Fate ImageYoung Robin (F) Infantry ImageInfantry 40 59 46 30 22 9.5
Sharena - Pillars of Peace ImageBridal Sharena Cavalry ImageCavalry 40 60 47 32 21 9.5
Gullveig - Glittering Sunlight ImageSummer Gullveig Cavalry ImageCavalry 40 60 47 24 17 9.5
Fjorm - Gleaming Ice Pair ImageIce Tribe Fjorm Armored ImageArmored 48 58 47 35 40 9.5
Alear - Gifted Dragons ImageWinter Alear (M) Infantry ImageInfantry 40 59 46 30 45 9.5
Heiðrún - Sisters of Healing ImageNew Year Heiðrún Infantry ImageInfantry 39 69 16 30 56 9.5
Ephraim - Dynastic Duo ImageDuo Ephraim Infantry ImageInfantry 41 58 30 37 25 9.0
Marth - Royal Altean Duo ImageWinter Marth Armored ImageArmored 42 50 41 30 25 9.0
Alfonse - Askran Duo ImageNew Year Alfonse Infantry ImageInfantry 41 52 17 35 30 9.0
Alm - Lovebird Duo ImageValentine's Alm Infantry ImageInfantry 40 51 43 32 25 9.0
Idunn - Dragonkin Duo ImageSpring Idunn Armored ImageArmored 46 53 26 37 41 9.0
Palla - Sisterly Trio ImageYoung Palla Flying ImageFlying 40 58 31 33 24 9.0
Micaiah - Dawn WindBridal Micaiah Flying ImageFlying 39 56 20 19 38 9.0
Byleth - Fell StarSummer Byleth (F) Flying ImageFlying 40 50 42 16 21 9.0
Sigurd - Destined Duo ImageMasquerade Sigurd Cavalry ImageCavalry 38 55 18 16 37 9.0
Lyn - Ninja-Friend Duo ImageNinja Lyn Flying ImageFlying 40 47 46 17 22 9.0
Líf - Undying Ties Duo ImageValentine's Líf Cavalry ImageCavalry 39 56 25 30 25 9.0
Eirika - Twin Refulgence ImageDuo Eirika Infantry ImageInfantry 40 52 43 30 28 9.0
Hilda - DeerSummer Hilda Flying ImageFlying 39 51 40 20 25 9.0
Hinoka - Fair Pirate Pair ImagePirate Hinoka Flying ImageFlying 40 57 40 23 23 9.0
Sothis - Bound-Spirit Duo ImageHalloween Sothis Flying ImageFlying 40 52 42 31 34 9.0
Corrin (F) - Nightfall Ninja Act ImageNinja Corrin (F) Cavalry ImageCavalry 38 50 44 19 16 9.0
Dagr - New Year Jötnar ImageNew Year Dagr Flying ImageFlying 40 55 42 27 22 9.0
Ike - Close-Knit Siblings ImageYoung Ike Infantry ImageInfantry 40 61 42 32 26 9.0
Nina - Shadowy Figures ImageThief Nina Cavalry ImageCavalry 38 54 43 18 32 9.0
Duma - Strength and Love ImageHalloween Duma Armored ImageArmored 47 62 19 40 43 9.0
Laegjarn - Flame and Frost ImageNinja Laegjarn Flying ImageFlying 40 52 11 42 43 9.0
Elise - Sweetheart Royals ImageValentine's Elise Cavalry ImageCavalry 37 57 46 16 27 9.0
Mark - Winds of Hope ImageYoung Mark Infantry ImageInfantry 40 58 27 20 46 9.0
Shamir - Heartbeats United ImageSummer Shamir Cavalry ImageCavalry 40 57 46 25 20 9.0
Ymir - Seasons of Life ImageSummer Ymir Infantry ImageInfantry 43 59 18 35 41 9.0
Kagero - Bond Unwavering ImageWind Tribe Kagero Cavalry ImageCavalry 43 61 45 20 23 9.0
Sanaki - Dawnsworn Ninja ImageNinja Sanaki Cavalry ImageCavalry 40 55 24 16 47 9.0
Byleth - Frosty Professors ImageWinter Byleth (M) Armored ImageArmored 47 62 18 45 46 9.0
Hector - Dressed-Up Duo ImageHalloween Hector Armored ImageArmored 47 60 26 39 27 8.5

Harmonized Heroes

Move Type
Azura - Hatari Duet ImageHatari Azura Cavalry ImageCavalry 37 58 43 20 27 9.5
Edelgard - Sun Empresses ImageSummer Edelgard Armored ImageArmored 46 61 17 43 39 9.5
Cordelia - Unyielding Snow ImageWinter Cordelia Flying ImageFlying 40 44 43 33 23 9.5
Ayra - Together in Tea ImageTea Ayra Cavalry ImageCavalry 40 60 46 32 17 9.5
Igrene - Sworn Protectors ImageNabata Igrene Infantry ImageInfantry 40 60 46 24 32 9.5
Chloé - Spring Wings ImageSpring Chloé Flying ImageFlying 40 57 47 22 26 9.5
Nephenee - Festival Harmony ImageHoshidan Summer Nephenee Flying ImageFlying 45 59 47 21 20 9.5
Nagi - Hopeful Eternity ImageHalloween Nagi Armored ImageArmored 49 64 17 45 48 9.5
Marisa - Willful Blades ImageJehanna Marisa Cavalry ImageCavalry 45 61 48 28 23 9.5
Mia - Harmonic Blades ImageSummer Mia Cavalry ImageCavalry 38 49 41 17 25 9.0
Veronica - Harmonic Pirates ImagePirate Veronica Cavalry ImageCavalry 38 55 19 36 29 9.0
Tiki - Harmonic Hope ImageHalloween Tiki (Young) Flying ImageFlying 39 58 42 32 25 9.0
Altina - Cross-Time Duo ImageWinter Altina Infantry ImageInfantry 42 50 13 37 39 9.0
Dorothea - Twilit Harmony ImagePlegian Dorothea Flying ImageFlying 37 55 35 16 26 9.0
Myrrh - Spring Harmony ImageSpring Myrrh Flying ImageFlying 40 54 25 40 35 9.0
Caeda - Sea-Blossom Pair ImageSummer Caeda Cavalry ImageCavalry 39 52 42 26 28 9.0
Leif - Destined Scions ImageScion Leif Cavalry ImageCavalry 40 54 41 27 20 9.0
Lysithea - Gifted Students ImageWinter Lysithea Cavalry ImageCavalry 38 56 40 19 23 9.0
Sonya - Dazzling Rabbits ImageSpring Sonya Flying ImageFlying 40 56 41 23 20 9.0
Roy - Blazing Bachelors ImageGroom Roy Cavalry ImageCavalry 39 54 42 30 25 9.0
Tana - Soothing Warmth ImageFlame Tribe Tana Flying ImageFlying 39 53 42 26 32 9.0
Linde - Bound by Fate ImageSage Linde Cavalry ImageCavalry 37 58 45 16 27 9.0
Karla - Spring Reveries ImageSpring Karla Cavalry ImageCavalry 40 61 47 24 22 9.0
Tiki - Bridal Reflections ImageBridal Tiki (Adult) Armored ImageArmored 42 58 26 40 45 9.0
Anna - Twice the Anna ImageHalloween Anna Flying ImageFlying 40 60 50 31 27 9.0
Goldmary - Coy Beach Divas ImageSummer Goldmary Infantry ImageInfantry 40 60 46 47 16 9.0

Duo Heroes: Characteristics and Duo Skills

Access to an Active Duo Skill

Summer Byleth Duo Skill.png

All Duo Heroes have access to a Duo Skill, an active skill that you can use for useful effects once per map! This does not end the unit's action, so they can still attack or assist after using the skill. Many duo skills can be activated in a map again through meeting a specific trigger condition. Duo Skills can be used in all game modes, but it can not be activated if the Duo Hero is part of a pair-up with a Legendary Hero.

Access to a built-in Duel Skill

Duo Byleth Duel Skill.png

In addition to a Duo Skill, Duo Heroes also have access to a built-in Duel Skill! It is similar to the Duel Skills you can find on units like B Duel Flying. This makes Duo Heroes very valuable as they can help you score more points in the arena while being very solid units.

Easy to be utilized in Aether Raids



Duo's Indulgence is an offensive Aether Raids building that makes it easy for you to re-use your Duo Skilll. This improves all Duo Heroes' viability in the competitive game mode. Be careful though, as a defensive building, Duo's Hindrance, can cripple Duo units as well! Take note that this requires a Duo her on the defensive team. This means that Duo Heroes can be utilized in both sides of Aether Raids!

Duo's Hindrance is a very common building in the higher tiers of Aether Raids. Ensure you defeat the defense team's Duo and Harmonized Heroes first in order to unlock your own Duo and Harmonized Skills!

Hamonized Heroes: Characteristics and Harmonized Skills

Access to an Active Harmonized Skill

Summer Mia Harmonized Skill.png

All Harmonized Heroes have access to a Harmonized Skill, an active skill that is pretty similar to a duo skill. This does not end the unit's action, so they can still attack or assist after using the skill. Unlike Duo Skill, it only affects the Hamonize Hero and allies that come from the same games as either of the Hamonized characters. Like Duo Skill, it cannot be used if the Harmonized Hero is paired-up with a Legendary Hero.

Increases Score in Resonant Battles

Resonant Battles Score.jpg

Resonant Effect.png

Similar to Duo Heroes increasing your score in the Arena, Harmonized Heroes increase your score in Resonant Battles! Since this game mode offers some great rewards, we recommend getting a Harmonized Hero when you get the chance!

Team-up with Compatible Units!

Entry Filter.png

Since the Harmonized Skill only works with specific units, you should use said units in Resonant Battles with the Harmonized Hero as much as possible. This is so that you get as much of as an advantage as possible because the enemies in Resonant Battles get very powerful in the harder difficulties.

Filter to see Compatible Units


In your Barracks, click this icon and scroll down to the very bottom to see the Entry filter. Your Harmonized Hero will have an icon that meks it easy for you to tell which heroes are compatible with the Harmonized Skill.

Other Information on Duo and Harmonized Heroes

Summary of both kinds of Heroes

Duo and Harmonized Heroes are a special kind of units that feature 2 characters in one! They both have an active skill and a skill that helps you get higher scores in their respective game modes.

Difference Between Harmonized, Duo Heroes and Pair-Up Heroes

Harmonized Hero/Duo Hero Pair-Up (Legendary Hero Feature)
  • Considered as 1 unit
  • Harmonized Skill and Duo Skill can be used on any map
  • 2 units that take up one tile. Taking an action with one ends both of their actions so choose wisely.
  • This function can only be used in specific maps
  • Useable in Story Maps, Allegiance Battles and Røkkr Sieges
  • New players might confuse Duo, Harmonized and Legendary Heroes that can use the Pair-Up ability. Duo and Harmonized Heroes can simply be put as 2 characters featured in one unit. They function the same as normal units with some added effects and an active ability. The Pair-Up ability on the other hand joins 2 unit in 1 tile! You can switch from one unit to another but they can only perform one action per phase. Though you can still switch them after taking action, this allows you to expose the more powerful enemy phase unit for protection!

    Special Conversation!

    Duo Ephraim and Lyon Conversation

    These heroes are not featured together without a reason! A big reason why is they pack interesting dynamics together. You can hear them interact by pressing this button in their hero screen. Yes, you read that right, hear them interact! The dialogue between them is fully-voiced so enjoy this simple fan service if you get your hands on either kind of hero.

    Limited Availability

    Both Harmonized and Duo Heroes are not part of the normal summoning pool. This means that you would have to wait for special kinds of banners that feature them for a chance to get them. We recommend them as they are not only very solid units, but they also pack on secondary skills and abilities that help you progress further in the game.

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    1 Anonymousabout 2 years

    I would just like to point out that Three Hopes and Three Houses are considered the same title for Harmonize skills, I am not sure if this is a bug, but IS should clarify that or update the text in Harmonize skills for such titles, imo this is an important ruling that shouldn’t be missed if this is not a bug, sadly Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are considered different from each other since my Winter Black Knight did not get buffed from my Summer Edelgard.

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