FF7 Rebirth

The Saga of the Seaside Inn Walkthrough and Refurbishment Materials Locations

FF7 Rebirth - The Saga of the Seaside Inn Side Quest Guide

The Saga of the Seaside Inn is a Side Quest that can be unlocked during Chapter 7 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn more about how to unlock The Saga of the Seaside Inn, where to find ziplines and refurbishment materials, how to craft the Boiler Valve, as well as the available rewards.

How to Unlock The Saga of the Seaside Inn

Available as Soon as You Start Chapter 7

FF7 Rebirth - Available at the Start of Chapter 7 (Saga)
The Saga of the Seaside Inn becomes available as soon as you start Chapter 7. This comes after beating Grasptropod in the last quest.

Chapter 7 Walkthrough

How to Complete The Saga of the Seaside Inn

Note: Progress to Chapter 9 is required to complete the quest!
  1. Go to Johnny's inn.
  2. Search the ziplines for refurbishment materials.
  3. Help the Johnnys by the factory ruins.
  4. Find the last Johnny.
  5. Obtain Tonberry King's Crown.
  6. Return to Johnny Prime.

Go to Johnny’s Inn

FF7 Rebirth - Go to Johnny
Look for Johnny in Johnny's inn. It's revealed that some of his clones from Yuffie's previous trick didn't go away and are now helping Johnny refurbish his hotel.

However, while looking for materials, the clones have not returned. It's up to Cloud and Yuffie to look for them!

Search the Ziplines for Refurbishment Materials

FF7 Rebirth - Search the Ziplines for Refurbishment Materials
The first Johnnys will be located at Costa Falls, west of Costa del Sol. Help them look for their missing materials. These materials will be located at the top of the ziplines around the area.

Refurbishment Material Locations

Ziplines will be scattered around the area. The materials will always be at the top side. How the Johnnys left them there is still a wonder.

No. Location
4 - 5

Help the Johnnys by the Factory Ruins

Next, go to the factory ruins north of the area to find two more Johnnys. They are in charged of fixing the boiler for the hotel.

Find 2 Lifesprings in Corel Region

To help them with this, you need to find the transmuter chip for a boiler valve. It will be one of the artifacts to unearth in the Excavation Intel in the Valve Factory Ruins. To get this Intel, you need to have analyzed 2 Lifesprings in the Corel Region.

No. Location

Craftsmanship 5 Required for Boiler Valve

Once you find the transmuter chip, you need to be at Craftsmanship 5 to craft the Boiler Valve. Keep on transmuting items or accessories to increase your Craftsmanship level.

Then, craft the Boiler Valve by getting the following materials:

Iron Ore is easy to come by at this stage in the game. To get the last two, the Zinc Ore and Amethyst, you need to progress to Chapter 7 until you can access Mt. Corel. These materials will be abundant in this location.

All Crafting Recipes and How to Increase Crafting Level

Find the Last Johnny

Head to the edge of the desert far southwest of Costa del Sol to find the last Johnny. He will ask you to steal Tonberry King's crown. For this last objective, you need to have progressed to Chapter 9 to access the whole desert.

Chapter 9 Walkthrough

Obtain Tonberry King's Crown

Fight Tonberry King at his domain in the desert and obtain his crown. His World Intel, Heavy Lies the Crown, will only appear after you've successfully analyzed all 4 remaining lifesprings in Corel Region.

Pristine Crown or Marred Crown

Analyze All Lifesprings to Reveal Tonberry King's Location

Analyze the last 4 Corel Region lifesprings, which will be close to the area where you will fight Tonberry King. To easily get to these lifesprings, follow owls when you spot them while roaming the area or activate Remnawave Towers to mark them in the map.

No. Location

All Lifespring Locations

How to Beat Tonberry King

FF7 Rebirth - Steal Tonberry King
Tonberry King will mostly deal instant death. Before heading to the battle, make sure your main melee damage dealer has Safety Bit equipped to negate this status. This is important as later on, he will summon Tonberries that do the exact same thing!

Deal as much damage as possible to Tonberry King. Make use of your Limit Breaks and Synergy Abilities to take down him down quickly. We recommend having Cloud or Tifa as your main melee damage dealer.

How to Beat the Tonberry King

Return to Johnny Prime

FF7 Rebirth - Return to Johnny Prime
Head back to Costa del Sol and to Johnny's Inn. Talk to the original Johnny to finish the quest. He will hand you the Card 134: J-Squad for your Queen's Blood deck, which will help you complete your collection!

All Queen's Blood Card Locations

Pristine Crown or Marred Crown?

Get the Pristine Crown for Best Results

Pristine Crown Marred Crown

You can get two types of Tonberry King's crowns: The Pristine Crown or the Marred Crown.

To get the Pristine Crown, one of your characters should have the Steal materia equipped. In battle, once you have dealt enough damage to Tonberry King, the crown will fall off. This will give you the opportunity to use Steal on it. However, be quick, as the Tonberry King can retrieve the crown once it gets close to it.

To get the Marred Crown, simply beat Tonberry King without using Steal. There is no difference in the rewards for later. The only difference is what crown will get displayed in Johnny's Inn later and the Pristine Crown will look much neater.

The Saga of the Seaside Inn Rewards

List of Rewards

Rewards for Completing The Saga of the Seaside Inn
▸ Card 134: J-Squad
▸ 10 Party EXP
▸ Player EXP (based on current level)

Increase Favorability With Yuffie

FF7 Rebirth - Increase Relationship with Characters

Completing The Saga of the Seaside Inn will also increase your friendship with Yuffie. This will affect the events that will occur when you visit the Gold Saucer later in the game.

Romance and Relationship Guide

The Saga of the Seaside Inn Information

Information and Overview

Basic Information

Recommended Level: 31
Availability Region Side Quest Giver
Chapter 7 Corel Johnny
Unlock Requirement Reach the beginning of Chapter 7: Those Left Behind

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1 Anonymous3 months

I have not confirmed yet, but I believe getting the Pristine Crown gives you a better relationship with Yuffie if you are trying to 100% the game.


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