FF7 Rebirth

Junon Region: Map and All Locations

FF7 Rebirth - Junon Region Map

Junon is an explorable region in Gaia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Check out the map of Junon and learn the locations of Remnawave Towers, Chocobo Stops, Protorelics, and Hidden Treasures within the region.

Junon Interactive Map


Select icons to toggle them on/off

Icon How to Use
Name Button Show Names
This button reveals the Name of every icon currently shown.
Show Pins Button Show Pins
This button will toggle between showing and hiding all the pins that you have already marked as acquired.
Full Button Fullscreen
This button will change the map display to fill the screen.
Search Button Search Mode Toggle
This button will display a search bar which you can use to search for an individual pin by its name.
Icon Mode Button Icon Mode Toggle
In Search Mode, this button will toggle you back to Icon Mode, removing the search bar and displaying the icons again.
All Pins Button All Pins
This button is shown along with the Icons on the right when there are over 6 types of pins. Click it for a full selection of all available pin types.
Interactive Map Counter Counter
Tracks the number of pins you have of a certain type. The pin type shown is set to the page and currently cannot be changed; however, all pin type counters can be viewed by clicking the checklist icon on the right side.
Interactive Map View All Counters.png View All Counters
This icon is found on the right side of the Counter. When a map has more than one pin type, click this icon to see Counters for all pin types.

Map Icons

FF7 Rebirth - Towers IconWorld Intel
FF7 Rebirth - Towers IconTowers FF7 Rebirth - Fiend Intel Icon Fiend Intel FF7 Rebirth - Lifespring IconLifespring FF7 Rebirth - SanctuariesSanctuaries
FF7 Rebirth - ProtorelicProtorelics FF7 Rebirth - Excavation Intel IconExcavation Intel FF7 Rebirth - Classified IntelClassified Intel FF7 Rebirth - Classified IntelMoogle Intel
FF7 Rebirth - Weapon IconEquipment
FF7 Rebirth - Weapon IconWeapons FF7 Rebirth - Armor IconArmor FF7 Rebirth - Accessory IconAccessory FF7 Rebirth - Materia IconMateria
FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Stop IconFast Travel
FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Stop IconChocobo Stop FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Stop IconPorts and Carriages
FF7 Rebirth - CacheTreasures
FF7 Rebirth - CacheCache FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Hidden Treasures IconChocobo Hidden Treasures
FF7 Rebirth - JohnnyJohnny's Treasures FF7 Rebirth - Enemy IconEnemies FF7 Rebirth - QueenQueen's Blood Players

Junon Landmarks and Locations

Jump to a Location Type
FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Hidden Treasures IconChocobo Hidden Treasures FF7 Rebirth - Fiend Intel IconFiend Intel FF7 Rebirth - Towers IconTowers FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Stop IconChocobo Stop
FF7 Rebirth - Lifespring IconLifespring FF7 Rebirth - CacheCache FF7 Rebirth - ProtorelicProtorelics FF7 Rebirth - Sanctuary IconSanctuaries
FF7 Rebirth - Excavation Intel IconExcavation Intel FF7 Rebirth - Classified Intel IconClassified Intel - -

Junon Chocobo Hidden Treasures

Item Map Location In Game Location
Moogle Medals x5
Ruby x1

All Chocobo Hidden Treasure Locations

Junon Fiend Intel

Combat Assignment Map Location
Cacophonic Corvid
Zemze Breaks
Scorched Earth
Weather the Storm

All Fiend Intel Locations

Junon Remnawave Towers

Activation Intel 1: Seabreeze Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 1: Seabreeze Tower
・Chocobo Intel
・Expedition Intel 1
・Divine Intel 1
How to Reach and Activate
Activate the terminal on the ground next to the tower.

Activation Intel 2: Buffeted Cape Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 2: Buffeted Cape Tower
・Fiend Intel 1
How to Reach and Activate
Climb the ladders to the top floor of the tower and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 3: Batteryhill Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 3: Batteryhill Tower
・Moogle Intel
・Expedition Intel 2
・Fiend Intel 2
How to Reach and Activate
Climb the ladders to the top floor of the tower and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 4: Piedmont Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 4: Piedmont Tower
・Expedition Intel 3
・Divine Intel 2
・Fiend Intel 3
How to Reach and Activate
Climb up a ladder and a yellow ledge wall, down the next one, and then climb up two yellow ledge walls to reach the top floor and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 5: Prospect Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 5: Prospect Tower
・Expedition Intel 4
・Divine Intel 3
・Fiend Intel 4
How to Reach and Activate
Climb the ladders up to the top floor and activate the terminal.

All Tower Locations

Junon Chocobo Stops

Map Location In-Game Location

All Chocobo Stop Locations

Junon Lifesprings

Lifespring Locations

Expedition Intel 1: Chocobluff Lifespring

Expedition Intel 3: Mountain Outpost Lifespring

Expedition Intel 2: Castaway Lifespring

Expedition Intel 4: Pharecape Lifespring

Junon Lifespring Unlocks

  1. Region Intel: The Rise and Fall of the Republic of Junon
  2. Excavation Intel: The Scars of War
  3. Region Intel: Junon - The Fortress City
  4. Classified Intel: The Whisperer in the Darkness

Completing a Lifespring or Expedition Intel will unlock additional intel. Unlocked intel is not tied to locations but are rather unlocked in a specific order.

All Lifespring Locations

Junon Cache Locations

Map Location Rewards

Republic Shipwreck
・Phoenix Down x3
・Ruby x1

Ruined Treasury
・780 Gil
・Hi-Potions x2

Fishermen's Strait
・Ether Onion x2
・Mist Seeds x3

Crows Camp
・Smelling Salts x3
・Hi-Ether x1

Shinra Construction Site
・980 Gil
・Antidoes x3
・Power Wristguards

Desolate Worksite
・Hazardous Material x3
・Hi-Potions x2

Mako Reef
・Iron Ore

Cargo Shipwreck
・Mist Hi-Potion
・Salvation Badge

All Cache Locations

Junon Protorelics

Map Location In-Game Location

All Protorelic Locations

Fort Condor Minigame

The Protorelics or Phenomenon Intel in the Junon Region will require players to play the Fort Condor Minigame. You will need to win the game to complete the current Protorelic and unlock the next one.

Fort Condor Minigame Guide

Junon Sanctuaries

Sanctuary Map Location
Divine Intel 1: Phoenix Sanctuary α
Divine Intel 2: Phoenix Sanctuary β
Divine Intel 3: Phoenix Sanctuary γ

All Sanctuary Locations

Junon Excavation Intel

Map Location Transmuter Chip Locations
How to Unlock Complete 2 Junon Expedition Intel
Rewards ・Transmuter Chip: Psychic's Charm
・Transmuter Chip: Armor Upgrades 3
・Transmuter Chip: Armor Upgrades 4

All Excavation Intel Locations

Junon Classified Intel

Map Location Details

Classified Intel: The Whisperer in the Darkness
How to Unlock:
Complete 4 Junon Expedition Intel
Defeat the Mindflayer

All Classified Intel Locations

Junon Chocobo Location

Gabon Ranch in Chapter 4

Chocobo Type How to Unlock
FF7 Rebirth - All Chocobo Types and Differences Mountain Chocobo.pngMountain Chocobo ・Complete Stuck in a Rut side quest

To obtain the Junon Chocobo, you need to complete the Stuck in a Rut side quest. Head to the bay south of the Remnawave Tower and talk to Gabe to start the side quest.

How to Get the Junon Chocobo

Junon Enemy Locations: How to Assess 10 Enemies

List of Junon Enemies

No. Enemy Where and How to Encounter
39 Sandstorm Drake
Can be encountered during the When Words Won't Do side quest at a crossroads.
62 Tonadu
Found guarding Activation Intel 3: Battery Hill Tower along with a Zemzelett.
63 Fonadu
Found in the Cacophonic Corvid Combat Assignment. Players must cmplete Activation Intel 2: Buffeted Cape Tower on Junon during Chapter 4.
65 Fleetwing
The Fleetwing can be located on the ruined houses by the fences
66 Stormwing
Found in the Weather the Storm Combat Assignment, found east of the Prospect Tower during Chapter 4.
87 Mystic Dragon
Can be encountered during the Dreaming of Blue Skies side quest at a narrow path.
90 White Mousse
Can be encountered during The Hardest Sell side quest at the southeastern part of the region.
94 Zemzelett
The Zemzelett can be located on an area between a crater and a cargo ship south of Gabe's Ranch
95 Whymzelett
Found in the Zemze Breaks Combat Assignment. Players must complete Activation Intel 3: Batteryhill Tower, then head east of the tower during Chapter 4.
96 Ignilisk
Ignilisk can be located on the road straight pass the Mythril Mine near the ruined houses
97 Lavalisk
Found in the Scorched Earth Combat Assignment. Players must first complete Activation Intel 4: Piedmont Tower, and then have a Mountain Chocobo for a mount to climb walls during Chapter 4 in Junon.
98 Capparwire
The Capperwire can be located south of the big factory near the Junon Checkpoint
100 Mindflayer
The Mindflayer can be encountered in the Classified Intel Report: The Whisperer in the Darkness. The intel will be unlocked once you've analyzed the Lifesprings in all of the Expedition Intel Report locations in the Junon Region.

List of Enemies

Use Assess Materia on Region Enemies

Players will need to assess 10 different enemies in Junon using the Assess Materia to complete Biological Intel: Breath of Light. However, it is not specified which of the enemies present in the region are included in the list.

To determine if you have already assessed a specific enemy, you can check the Enemy Intel screen and check for a magnifying glass icon next to their name.

Junon Queen's Blood Players

Player Map & World Location Reward
Moore Twins

All Queen's Blood Players

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All Regions

List of All Regions
Grasslands Junon
Corel Gongaga
Cosmo Canyon Nibel
Meridian Ocean Northwood

All Map Locations

List of All Landmarks
FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Hidden Treasures IconChocobo Hidden Treasures FF7 Rebirth - Fiend IntelFiend Intel FF7 Rebirth - TowersTowers FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo StopChocobo Stop
FF7 Rebirth - Lifespring IconLifespring FF7 Rebirth - CacheCache FF7 Rebirth - ProtorelicProtorelics FF7 Rebirth - SanctuarySanctuaries
FF7 Rebirth - Excavation IntelExcavation Intel FF7 Rebirth - Classified IntelClassified Intel FF7 Rebirth - Moogle IntelMoogle Intel FF7 Rebirth -  PortsPorts


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