FF7 Rebirth

Joker Hard Mode Guide

FF7 Rebirth - Joker Hard Mode Guide

Joker is a boss in the Sand and Circuses side quest of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn how to beat Joker in Hard Mode and normal difficulties, its weaknesses and resistances, and a list of its moves and attack patterns in this guide!

Joker Weaknesses and Stats


Joker Image
Easy Normal Hard
HP 17226 24609 ?

Weakness and Resistances

Weaknesses Lesser Resistances Greater Resistances
Wind Icon Wind
Sleep Icon Sleep
Absorbed Elements Immunities
Proportional Damage Icon Proportional Damage
Stone Icon Stone

Changes When Staggered

Weakness / Effective Resistance
None None

How to Pressure Joker

Evade Soul Sucker Ability and Lower HP

CheckmarkEvade Soul Sucker Ability.

CheckmarkDrop its HP to 30% to Keep Pressured.

The Joker can be pressured by simply waiting for then dodging its Soul Sucker ability. It will activate Anima Howl when it's pressured which can act as an indicator for the perfect time to build stagger, so watch out for it.

In addition, once you can lower its HP down to about 30%, the Joker will remain pressured until defeat.

How to Pressure and Stagger Enemies

How to Beat Joker

Joker Boss Fight Tips

Exploit Wind Element Weakness

The Joker is weak to wind element attacks, so it is recommended to equip Wind Materia to gain Aero Spell.

You can also complement the spell with Elemental Materia to infuse your equipment with the wind element or Swiftcast Materia to be able to cast Aero faster.

Dodge Soul Sucker Ability to Pressure

The Joker can be pressured by dodging its Soul Sucker ability. The success of this will be indicated by the Joker's activation of its Anima Howl ability. Watch out for the ability and get ready to stagger it with abilities such as Focused Thrust or Aero Spell when the time comes.

Always stay within melee distance so that it triggers the close-distance version of the Soul Sucker ability, which is easier to dodge.

The Joker will also remain pressured once its HP is lowered to around 30%.

Keep HP Full and Save ATB for Heals

Destiny Result Effect
Hearts Replenishes enemy health
Diamonds Spawns enemy shield
Clubs Deals damage through a spike from the ground
Spades Deals damage through a homing fireball
Joker Lowers player HP to 1

The Joker has the Destiny ability, which draws a random card, providing different results depending on the drawn card. 3 out of 5 of these results deal a lot of damage, even potentially incapacitating Cloud on a single hit.

During the fight, maintain a near-full HP at all times. And always have an extra ATB ready for either healing items or a Cure spell in case you are unable to dodge the Destiny result.

Bring Subversion to Cancel Shield

The Subversion Materia can help in this fight as its Breach or Dispel spells can remove the shield spawned by the Diamonds result of the Destiny ability.

How to Get the Subversion Materia

Joker Rewards and Details


Joker Rewards
Easy/Normal Hard Mode
479 EXP
4 AP
Items Dropped Rare Items Dropped
・Zinc Ore ・Amethyst
Stealable Items Morphable Items
・Zinc Ore ・Amethyst

Basic Information and Details

Location Chapter Unlocked
Corel Region Chapter 12
Species Movement
Biological Grounded
Gus's cursed ace-in-the-hole: an evil jester that has bathed itself in the blood of its enemies. It feeds on the souls of its opponents while drawing cards that foretell the future.
Evading Soul Sucker will force it to extract energy from itself and enter a pressured state. Once its HP drops low enough and it goes berserk, it will remain pressured.

Joker Location and Side Quest

Encountered During Sand and Circuses Side Quest

You can encounter Joker during the Sand and Circuses side quest in the Corel Region. Joker will appear in round 5 of the solo battles, which you will fight one-on-one with Cloud.

Sand and Circuses Walkthrough

Encountered During Can't Stop, Won't Stop Side Quest

You can also encounter 2 Jokers during the Can't Stop, Won't Stop side quest at the Golden Saucer in Chapter 12. The Jokers will appear in 4th wave of the Musclehead Colosseum minigame.

Can't Stop, Won't Stop Walkthrough

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - List of All Bosses

Boss Fight Guide and List of All Bosses

Story Bosses

All Major Story Bosses
Chapter 1 Materia Guardian
Chapter 2 Midgardsormr
Chapter 3 Rude and Elena
Mythril Golem
Chapter 4 Terror of the Deep
Chapter 5 Jenova Emergent
Chapter 6 Grasptropod
Chapter 7 Custom Valkyrie
Chapter 8 Dyne
Anuran Suppressor
Chapter 9 Specimen H1024
Crimson Mare Mk. II
Chapter 10 Gi Nattak
Chapter 11 Diabolic Variant
Yin and Yang
Forgotten Specimen
Galian Beast
Chapter 12 Abzu
Rude and Elena
Chapter 13 Red Dragon
Reno and Rude
Tseng and Elena
Moss-Grown Adamantoise
Demon Gate
Chapter 14 Jenova Lifeclinger
Sephiroth Reborn

Optional Bosses

Summon Titan
Classified Intel Quetzalcoatl
Side Quests White Terror
Summon Phoenix
Classified Intel Mindflayer
Side Quests White Mousse
Hell Rider II
Sandstorm Drake
Summon Alexander
Classified Intel Tonberry King
Side Quests Dark Claw
Minigame Test 0
Summon Kujata
Classified Intel Great Malboro
Side Quests Levridon
Gorgon Mane
Cosmo Canyon
Summon Bahamut Arisen
Classified Intel Jabberwock
Side Quests Irasceros
Summon Odin
Classified Intel King Zu
Side Quests Queen Bee
Meridian Ocean
Gilgamesh's Island Gilgamesh
Titan and Bahamut Arisen
Phoenix and Kujata
Alexander and Odin
Pirate King's Treasure Ogre Raider
Brineborn Demon
Sea Dragon


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