FF7 Rebirth

All Sanctuary Locations and Bosses (Divine Intel)

FF7 Rebirth - All Sanctuary Locations Banner

Sanctuaries are World Intel locations that decrease Combat Simulator difficulty and enhance Summon Materia Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Check out all the Summons and their respective Sanctuary locations and the benefits you get for analyzing a Sanctuary.

Sanctuary Locations (Divine Intel)

Titan Sanctuary Locations (Grasslands Divine Intel)

Grasslands - Titan Sanctuary Locations

To get to the Titan Sanctuaries, you can simply walk to them except for the Beta Sanctuary where you will need a Chocobo to access it unless you defeat Midgardsormr.

If you want a more detailed guide on how to get to Titan's Sanctuaries, check out our guide linked below.

Titan Sanctuary Locations

Phoenix Sanctuary Locations (Junon Divine Intel)

Junon - Phoenix Sanctuary Locations

To get to the Phoenix Sanctuaries, you will first need to unlock Junon's Chocobos via the Stuck in a Rut sidequest. Once you can ride one, you will be able to scale the walls needed to access the Alpha and Beta Sanctuaries.

If you want a more detailed guide on how to get to Phoenix's Sanctuaries, check out our guide linked below.

Phoenix Sanctuary Locations

Alexander Sanctuary Locations (Corel Divine Intel)

Corel - Alexander Sanctuary Locations

To get to Alexander Sanctuary Alpha, you will first need to get to Chapter 7 where you can leave Costa del Sol. Once you've done that, you can simply head east to where it is located.

As for the Beta and Gamma Sanctuaries, you have to progress first to Chapter 9 so that you have access to the area to the south of the Gold Saucer. From there, you will need to perform a series of grappling hook jumps to get to both Sanctuaries.

If you want a more detailed guide on how to get to Alexander's Sanctuaries, check out our guide linked below.

Alexander Sanctuary Locations

Kujata Sanctuary Locations (Gongaga Divine Intel)

Gongaga - Kujata Sanctuary Locations

Kujata Sanctuary Alpha can be accessed right away once you reach Gongaga, but for the Beta and Gamma Sanctuaries, you will need to progress through the story until you get access to the southwestern area of Gongaga.

If you want a more detailed guide on how to get to Kujata's Sanctuaries, check out our guide linked below.

Kujata Sanctuary Locations

Bahamut Arisen Sanctuary Locations (Cosmo Canyon Divine Intel)

Cosmo Canyon - Bahamut Arisen Sanctuary Locations

Bahamut Arisen's Sanctuaries are easily accessed as soon as you get Cosmo Canyon's Chocobos during the Bonds of Trust sidequest. Once unlocked, you'll be able to glide your way to Bahamut Arisen's Sanctuaries.

If you want a more detailed guide on how to get to Bahamut Arisen's Sanctuaries, check out our guide linked below.

Bahamut Arisen Sanctuary Locations

Odin Sanctuary Locations (Nibel Divine Intel)

Nibel - Odin Sanctuary Locations

Odin's Sanctuaries can be accessed as soon as you get to the Nibel region and unlock Nibel's Chocobos. Thankfully, the Chocobo Intel location to unlock them is very close to the airstrip where you start Chapter 11.

Once you can ride the Chocobo, head over to the Sanctuary locations on the map and use the Chocojet feature to navigate towards them.

If you want a more detailed guide on how to get to Odin's Sanctuaries, check out our guide linked below.

Odin Sanctuary Locations

What are Sanctuaries?

Enhances the Summon's Materia

FF7 Rebirth - Summon Materia Upgrades

Every time you analyze a Summon's Sanctuary, you will enhance their Materia and give them new bonuses. Once you've analyzed all three of their Sanctuaries, it will unlock a new Summon Skill that you can use in battle.

List of All Summons

Decreased Difficulty in the Combat Simulator

FF7 Rebirth - Easier Combat Simulator

If you're having difficulty beating a Summon in the Combat Simulator, analyzing their Sanctuaries will weaken them and make it easier for you to defeat them and unlock their Materia.

Do note that even if you've analyzed their Sanctuaries, you will still have the option to fight them at full power if you wish to do so.

Increase Regional Data Accumulated

FF7 Rebirth - Sanctuary Regional Data

Sanctuaries are World Intel locations that increase the Regional Data accumulated after they've been analyzed. Also, analyzing Sanctuaries will unlock weaker versions of the Summon in the Combat Simulator and enhance their respective Materia.

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