FF7 Rebirth

Best Weapons For Each Character and Locations

Here's a list of the best weapons for each character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn more about the best weapons for each character, how to obtain them, and their best uses!

Weapon Guides
All Weapons Best Weapons

Best Weapons For Cloud

Highest Physical Damage: Igneous Saber

Weapon Level: 7
FF7 Rebirth - Igneous Saber Igneous Saber Physical: 158
Magical: 53
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Strongest Points
・ Has lots of materia slots
・ Extremely high Physical Attack stat
・Weapon Skills reward Punisher Mode blocking
Recommended Weapon Skills
Red Weapon SkillEnemy Parts Damage Up
Red Weapon SkillStalwart Punisher
Red Weapon SkillAltruistic Buff Up
Red Weapon SkillEnhanced Magic Guard
How to Get
・Found in a treasure chest near the peak of Mount Nibel in Chapter 11.

Rewards Blocking with Punisher Mode

The Igneous Saber is extremely good when blocking while in Punisher mode as it increases the counter damage. To make this weapon's blocking ability more potent, it's best to master the proficiency of the Umbral Blade to gain access to Prime Mode, a more powerful variant of Punisher Mode.

Best for Spamming Abilities: Sleek Saber

Weapon Level: 7
FF7 Rebirth - Sleek Saber Sleek Saber Physical: 121
Magical: 89
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Strongest Points
・ Average Physical Attack stat
・Weapon Skills focus on ATB gauge fill rate
Recommended Weapon Skills
Green Weapon SkillATB Charge Rate Up
Green Weapon SkillATB Charge Rate Up
Red Weapon SkillWeapon Ability ATB Recovery
Blue Weapon SkillAttack Power +20
How to Get
・Found in a chest near the Abandoned Dock in the Grasslands in Chapter 2.

Can Be used Until Late Game

The Sleek Saber is a very comfortable weapon to use from Chapter 2 until the end of the game. This is due to the weapon's ability to fill the ATB gauge for Cloud fast, allowing you to spam abilities constantly, which can help with pressuring and staggering enemies.

Highest Magic Damage: Rune Blade

Weapon Level: 7
FF7 Rebirth - Rune Blade Rune Blade Physical: 73
Magical: 158
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Strongest Points
・Specializes in Magic Attacks
・ Greatly benefits magical abilities.
Recommended Weapon Skills
Red Weapon SkillEnemy Parts Damage Up
Green Weapon SkillATB Charge Rate Up
Red Weapon SkillFull-Power Magic
Blue Weapon SkillMagic Attack Power +20
How to Get
・Found inside the Starboard Connecting Passage in Chapter 4.

Has the Highest Magic Damage of All Cloud's Weapons

The Rune Blade is a great weapon against enemies that are weak to magic. Furthermore, the damage of weapon abilities like Firebolt Blade and Infinity's End are greatly increased and are more effective against enemies with the corresponding weaknesses.

Best Weapons for Tifa

Highest Physical Damage: Kaiser Knuckles

Weapon Level: 7
FF7 Rebirth - Kaiser Knuckles Kaiser Knuckles Physical: 158
Magical: 35
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Strongest Points
・Has overwhelming Physical damage
・Allows Tifa to start with Level 1 Chi
・Has average materia Slots
Recommended Weapon Skills
Red Weapon SkillMartial Arts Mastery
Yellow Weapon SkillConcentration
Red Weapon SkillSynergy Damage Up
Blue Weapon SkillMax HP +200
How to Get
・Obtained in a treasure chest found on the topmost level of the ship in Chapter 5.

Has the Highest Physical Attack Stat

Despite the lack of materia slots for the Kaiser Knuckles, it makes up for its extremely high Physical Attack power. This is extremely useful for Tifa as she can increase her damage further by raising her Chi levels with Unbridled Strength.

Best For General Use: Jarngreiper

Weapon Level: 7
Jarngreiper Physical: 86
Magical: 58
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Strongest Points
・ Great number of materia slots
・ Balanced Physical and Magical stats
・Weapon Skills can increase criticals
Recommended Weapon Skills
Red Weapon SkillUtterly Unbridled Strength
Blue Weapon SkillCritical Hit Rate +5%
Blue Weapon SkillCritical Hit Damage +10%
Blue Weapon SkillCritical Hit Damage +10%
How to Get
・Found in the Corridor of Currents in Chapter 13.

Easy to Use and Has Many materia Slots

Jarngreiper is a versatile and easy-to-use weapon with balanced Physical and Magical attack stats. It also has many materia slots that can further give Tifa more options.

Many of the weapon's skills increase damage and critical, making it an excellent choice for a combined Unfettered Fury, and Unbridled Strength build that can stagger and increase the damage multiplier on enemies.

Best Weapons for Barret

Best for Spamming Abilities: Battle Cry

Weapon Level: 7
FF7 Rebirth - Battle Cry Battle Cry Physical: 88
Magical: 65
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Strongest Points
・Great Weapon Skills
・Has many materia slots
・Average attack power
Recommended Weapon Skills
Yellow Weapon SkillOverload Overcharge
Red Weapon SkillMassive Recharge
Red Weapon SkillWeapon Ability ATB Recovery
Green Weapon SkillATB Charge Rate Up
How to Get
・Found in the Corridor of Catastrophe in Chapter 13.

Easy to Use and Fill ATB Gauge

The weapon skills for this weapon, combined with Barret's speed to fill his ATB gauge create a perfect support weapon for Barret, allowing him to cast multiple abilities that will support his party. This includes spellcasting and abilities that specialize in staggering enemies.

Best for Tank Builds: Barrage Blaster

Weapon Level: 7
FF7 Rebirth - Barrage Blaster Barrage Blaster Physical: 88
Magical: 65
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Strongest Points
・ Has the Weapon Ability Lifesaver
・ Further increases Barret's tank capabilities
Recommended Weapon Skills
Red Weapon SkillOvercharge Protection
Red Weapon SkillEnhanced Physical Guard
Red Weapon SkillLimit Gauge Guard
Green Weapon SkillSelfish Recovery +25%
How to Get
・Found in a chest while climbing Mount Corell in Chapter 7.

Synergizes with Barret's Tank Capabilities

The weapon skills on the Barrage Blaster bring out Barret's tank capabilities for the party, allowing him to remain unflinching while casting abilities and making his block more reliable.

Best Weapons for Aerith

Strongest Magic Damage: Plumose Rod

Weapon Level: 7
FF7 Rebirth - Plumose Rod Plumose Rod Physical: 49
Magical: 143
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Strongest Points
・Has the highest Magic damage output
・Provides Utility for Wards
・Has a lot of materia Slots
Recommended Weapon Skills
Red Weapon SkillEnhanced Tempest
Red Weapon SkillWard Shift Mastery
Red Weapon SkillEnduring Ward
Blue Weapon SkillMax HP +200
How to Get
・Complete all of Hojo's Exams in Shinra Manor once you've completed Chapter 11.

Best Weapon for Aerith as All Her Attacks Count as Magic

This is the undisputed best weapon for Aerith, as not only does it have the highest Magic damage from all her weapons, but its weapon skills allow it to prolong the duration of Aerith's Wards, ultimately allowing you to save ATB. Furthermore, the HP increase decreased cooldown on Ward Shift grants more survivability for tougher fights.

Best Weapon for Healing and Debuffing: Timeless Rod

Weapon Level: 7
FF7 Rebirth - Timeless Rod Timeless Rod Physical: 63
Magical: 116
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Strongest Points
・Has the option to increase the amount of HP recovered
・Weapon Skills buff Wards
・Allows Faster Ward Shift
Recommended Weapon Skills
Red Weapon SkillEnduring Ward
Red Weapon SkillWard Shift Mastery
Red Weapon SkillAltruistic Recovery +10%
Blue Weapon SkillMax HP +200
How to Get
・Found inside Bill's Ranch in the Grasslands, Chapter 2.

Helps with Ward Durations and Dodging

This is a great weapon for Aerith's utility, as it shortens the cooldown time of Ward Shift, and prolongs the duration of her Wards, allowing you to save your ATB for spells.

Best Weapons for Red XIII

Best for Tanking and Vengeance Mode: Renegade's Collar

Weapon Level: 7
FF7 Rebirth - Renegade Renegade's Collar Physical: 116
Magical: 63
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Strongest Points
・ Can tank damage while recovering health with Vengeance Mode
・High Physical attack stat
・Can synergize with defensive materia and Accessories
Recommended Weapon Skills
Red Weapon SkillEnduring Vengeance
Red Weapon SkillSiphon Fang HP Up
Red Weapon SkillEnhanced Physical Guard
Green Weapon SkillSelfish Recovery +25%
How to Get
・Found in a chest in the Mithril Mine in Chapter 3.

Tank For the Party with Vengeance Mode

Given the weapon's skills, this allows Red XIII to tank damage while recovering it when in Vengeance Mode as it allows him to block without taking much damage, and the health regained for Siphoned Fang is increased.

Best Weapons for Yuffie

Best for ATB Gauge Fill: Fuma Shuriken

Weapon Level: 7
Fuma Shuriken Physical: 77
Magical: 97
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Strongest Points
・Strong Magic attack that can be further boosted in the weapon skills
・Fast ATB gauge fill, allowing for constant ability use
・Decent physical attack stat, making the weapon versatile
Recommended Weapon Skills
Red Weapon SkillFire / Ice Damage Up
Yellow Weapon SkillShuriken Mastery
Blue Weapon SkillMagic Attack Power +20
Green Weapon SkillATB Charge Rate Up
How to Get
・Found in the Shrine of Ambition in Chapter 13.

Fast ATB Charges Benefit Yuffie's Playstyle

The weapon helps with Yuffie's ATB gauge fill rate, which benefits her playstyle as this allows her to use her abilities for any given situation. Art of War for damaging enemies, Brumal Form for evading attacks, and Elemental Ninjustsu for exploiting enemy weaknesses; with this weapon, Yuffie can use any ability at any time.

Best for Physical Damage: Crystalline Cross

Weapon Level: 7
FF7 Rebirth - Crystalline Cross Crystalline Cross Physical: 119
Magical: 40
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Strongest Points
・High Physical attack that synergizes with Yuffie's basic attacks
・ Has a weapon skill that activates Brave when using Steal
・Has many materia slots
Recommended Weapon Skills
Red Weapon SkillBrave Thief
Red Weapon SkillSynergy Damage Up
Red Weapon SkillAltruistic Recovery +10%
Blue Weapon SkillMax HP +200
How to Get
・Found in a chest during the chase for Cait Sith in Chapter 12.

Physical Attack Stat Synergizes with Banishment

Banishment allows ATB charges used on other abilities to deal increased damage, synergizing with the high Physical attack stat of the weapon.

Best Weapons for Cait Sith

Best for Spamming Abilities: Golden Megaphone

Weapon Level: 6
FF7 Rebirth - Golden Megaphone Golden Megaphone Physical: 80
Magical: 86
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Strongest Points
・Balanced Stat for Physical and Magic damage
・Easy to cast abilities due to ATB charge rate
・Has many materia slots
Recommended Weapon Skills
Red Weapon SkillMoogle Vanguard
Red Weapon SkillWeapon Ability Damage +5%
Blue Weapon SkillAttack Power +20
Green Weapon SkillATB Charge Rate Up
How to Get
・Located in the Specimen Testing Room of Shinra Manor in Chapter 11.

Best for Spamming Roll o' the Dice or Fortune Teller

Since the weapon allows Cait Sith to fill his ATB gauge faster, you can spam Roll o' the Dice when supporting your party, or Fortune Teller when you're dealing damage.

Strongest Physical Damage: Gjallarhorn

Weapon Level: 6
FF7 Rebirth - Gjallarhorn Gjallarhorn Physical: 136
Magical: 34
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Strongest Points
・Highest Physical Damage stat for Cait Sith
・Can increase Luck stat and Critical
・Great number of materia slots
Recommended Weapon Skills
Yellow Weapon SkillLucky Jockey
Red Weapon SkillSynergy Damage Up
Red Weapon SkillATB Limit
Green Weapon SkillOpening ATB Bonus
How to Get
・Give 45 Chocobo Grass to the Chocobotique in Nibelheim (Chapter 11)

Highest Physical Damage and Can Help with Critical Damage

The Gjallarhorn has the highest physical attack damage for Cait Sith. Its Lady Luck ability temporarily increases the critical rate of your party, partner it with Lucky Jockey and you may or may not see high damage numbers from your abilities or limit break.

Criteria for Best Weapons

Weapon Stats, Skills, and materia Slots

The criteria for the best weapon are based on weapon Stats, Skills, and materia Slots. Weapon Abilities are not included in the criteria since all abilities can be used in any weapon.

Weapons with Few materia Slots are Ranked Low

Weapons with few materia that can be equipped are rated low since materia is extremely helpful in tougher fights. With materia slots, you’ll have more options in a battle that can synergize from any of your abilities.

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Weapons

All Weapon Guides
List of All Weapons Best Weapons

All Character Weapons

List of All Weapons
Wizard's Rod Twin Viper Umbral Blade
Red Megaphone Vulcan Cannon Fafnir Rifle
Barrage Blaster Bird of Prey Crystal Sword
Crescent Sickle Crystal Gloves Plumose Rod
Yellow Megaphone Iron Megaphone Amethyst Collar
Golden Collar Dragon Claws Tiger Fangs
Golden Megaphone Gjallarhorn Crystalline Cross
Slipstream Saber Igneous Saber Crystal Megaphone
Calamitous Bazooka Járngreipr Gambanteinn
Battle Cry Brisingamen Fuma Shuriken
Mystic Collar Ceremonial Staff Resounding Megaphone
Sleek Saber Timeless Rod Hi-Caliber Rifle
Sylph Gloves Renegade's Collar Empress's Scepter
Rune Blade 4-Point Shuriken Savage Dagger
Kaiser Knuckles Silver Collar Leather Gloves
Mythril Collar Gatling Gun Guard Stick
Buster Sword


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