FF7 Rebirth

Guard Stick Abilities, Stats, and Skills

The Guard Stick is one of Aerith's weapons in FF7 Rebirth. Read on to learn how to get the Guard Stick, as well as its stats, abilities, and skills.

Guard Stick Stats and Information

Guard Stick

A vintage and well-cared-for staff. Also happens to be eco-friendly.
Stats Base Fully Upgraded
ATK 18 101
MATK 26 151
Materia Slots
Starting Slots ◯◯
Max Slots ◯-◯◯-◯◯-◯

Guard Stick Stats Per Level

Level Stats Skill Slots Unlocked Skill
Materia Slots
1 ATK:18
1 Wind Damage Up, Not-So-Fleeting Familiar
2 ATK:24
1 Enhanced Tempest
3 ATK:30
1 -
4 ATK:36
2 Wind Damage Up
5 ATK:46
2 Enduring Ward
6 ATK:58
3 Altruistic Buff Up
7 ATK:70
3 Max MP +3
8 ATK:84
4 Not-So-Fleeting Familiar
◯-◯◯-◯ ◯ ◯
9 ATK:101
4 -

The starting level and stats of the featured weapon is based on our weapon level when we first acquired it.

Guard Stick Abilities

Arcane Ward

Ability Effect Conjure a ward. Attack spells cast within the ward will automatically be cast twice.
Proficiency Bonus Activate the effects of the ward (one time only while ward is on the field).

How to Get Guard Stick

Default Weapon for Aerith

The Guard Stick is Aerith's default weapon in FF7 Rebirth. You can get this weapon as soon as Aerith joins your party during Chapter 2: A New Journey Begins.

Aerith Best Builds and Weapons

Guard Stick Skills

Weapon Skills
Wind Damage UpWind Damage Up
・Increases wind damage by 10%.
Not-So-Fleeting FamiliarNot-So-Fleeting Familiar
・Increases Fleeting Familiar duration by 25%.
Enhanced TempestEnhanced Tempest
・Increases Tempest damage by 15%.
Spiritual HarvestSpiritual Harvest
・Increases the amount of MP absorbed with Soul Drain by 25%.
Wind Damage UpWind Damage Up
・Increases wind damage by 10%.
Enduring WardEnduring Ward
・Increases ward duration by 25%.
Altruistic Buff UpAltruistic Buff Up
・Increases duration of applied beneficial status effects by 25%.
Max MP +3Max MP +3
・Increases max MP by 3.
Not-So-Fleeting FamiliarNot-So-Fleeting Familiar
・Increases Fleeting Familiar duration by 25%.
MP Recovery Rate UpMP Recovery Rate Up
・Slightly increases MP regeneration speed during battle.

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - Weapons Partial Banner

List of Weapons Stats and Materia Slots

All Character Weapons

List of All Weapons
Guard Stick Rune Blade Gatling Gun
Timeless Rod Buster Sword Mythril Collar
Leather Gloves Wizard's Rod Sleek Saber
Sylph Gloves Vulcan Cannon Barrage Blaster
Savage Dagger Hi-Caliber Rifle Empress's Scepter
Silver Collar Fafnir Rifle 4-Point Shuriken
Crescent Sickle Renegade's Collar Umbral Blade
Plumose Rod Amethyst Collar Crystal Gloves
Twin Viper Iron Megaphone Crystal Sword
Ceremonial Staff Tiger Fangs Gambanteinn
Bird of Prey Golden Megaphone Yellow Megaphone
Dragon Claws Kaiser Knuckles Calamitous Bazooka
Crystal Megaphone Red Megaphone Fuma Shuriken
Brisingamen Slipstream Saber Járngreipr
Battle Cry Mystic Collar Resounding Megaphone
Crystalline Cross Golden Collar Igneous Saber

All of Aerith's Weapons

Guard StickGuard Stick Timeless RodTimeless Rod EmpressEmpress's Scepter
WizardWizard's Rod Ceremonial StaffCeremonial Staff GambanteinnGambanteinn
Plumose RodPlumose Rod


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