FF7 Rebirth

Chocobo Racing Guide and Best Chocobo

Ff7 Rebirth - Chocobo Races Minigame

Chocobo Racing is a minigame available in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Find out the best Chocobo for racing and how to unlock all Chocobos, tips to win, and rewards in this guide!

Best Chocobo for Racing

Use Piko for Versatility

FF7 Rebirth - Piko IconPiko Speed Burst - Temporarily increase your speed. Maintain top speed for long enough to become invincible and knock rivals out of the way.

Piko is one of the most versatile chocobos in terms of speed and defense. Its Speed Burst ability is extremely powerful as it not only grants you speed but also the ability to push through enemies while activated. As the earliest chocobo you can get, you don't have to worry about unlocking it as well.

Use Fango to Avoid Obstacles

FF7 Rebirth - Fango IconFango Chocojump - Jump high into the air to extend flight time or avoid obstacles. The shockwave made on landing knocks down nearby rivals.

Fango is a great chocobo to use on maps with several obstacles. With its Chocojump ability, you can simply jump over these obstacles during the race.

Use Aponi to Fly Over Obstacles and Take Shortcuts

FF7 Rebirth - Aponi IconAponi Hoverbird - Glide just above the ground to avoid rough terrain, traps, and out-of-bounds penalties.

Like Fango, Aponi is also great for avoiding obstacles, especially those that can make you fall. With Hoverbird, you can fly a short distance and even take shortcuts without getting slowed down by terrain.

Take Advantage of Mecha-Chocobo's High Speed

FF7 Rebirth - Mecha-Chocobo
FF7 Rebirth - Mecha-Chocobo IconMecha-Chocobo Birdserk - Become encased in electricity and run wild, during which pressing unleashes electrical attacks on those in the vicinity. The gauge depletes faster upon using said attacks.

The Mecha-Chocobo has the highest speed among all available Chocobo in-game. However, unlike the others, you cannot equip any gears on it, meaning you must rely solely on its base stats. Despite this setback, it remains a viable option for races, especially if you're unable to purchase some of the Chocobo Gears or have yet to unlock the best ones, such as the Hyperion Set.

You can unlock the Mecha-Chocobo by completing the Can't Stop, Won't Stop Side Quest.

List of All Chocobo

Chocobo/Region Stats/Ability
FF7 Rebirth - Piko IconPiko

Speed Burst - Temporarily increase your speed. Maintain top speed for long enough to become invincible and knock rivals out of the way.
FF7 Rebirth - Belle Icon


Rock Solid - Enhance traction and prevent being your knocked back during collisions.
FF7 Rebirth - Kyma IconKyma

Birdshot - Once the gauge is full, gain the ability to fire up to three blasts that travel in a straight line and send any rivals they collide with reeling.
FF7 Rebirth - Fango IconFango

Chocojump - Jump high into the air to extend flight time or avoid obstacles. The shockwave made on landing knocks down nearby rivals.
FF7 Rebirth - Aponi IconAponi
Cosmo Canyon

Hoverbird - Glide just above the ground to avoid rough terrain, traps, and out-of-bounds penalties
FF7 Rebirth - Selena IconSelena

Chocobubble - Once the gauge is full, gain the ability to fire a watery blast that homes in on its target.
FF7 Rebirth - Mecha-Chocobo IconMecha-Chocobo

Birdserk - Become encased in electricity and run wild, during which pressing unleashes electrical attacks on those in the vicinity. The gauge depletes faster upon using said attacks.

Chocobo Locations in All Regions

Chocobo Racing Tips

Equip Your Chocobo With Gear

FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Customization - Chocobo Racing

Certain Chocobo Gear happen to have a special skill that benefits your mount for the Chocobo Races. Feel free to style up your Chocobo as you please, or take advantage of various skills attached to certain pieces.

Best Chocobo Gear

Have Recovery Dash Equipped

If one of your Chocobo Gear has the skill "Recovery Dash", equip it immediately to your Chocobo. This skill makes your Chocobo accelerate when going offroad during the race, which makes it a very powerful skill during the race.

Perform a Start Dash

A Start Dash is a speed boost that helps you accelerate at the start of the race. Timing the press of R2 as the countdown times down to 2 will trigger a Start Dash, but the timing is rather strict.

Practice Chocobo Drifting

Hold the left analog stick to where you want to turn while pressing R2 to drift with your Chocobo. This is an essential technique to master to deal with the sharp turns without losing speed.

Drift Longer, Move Faster

The longer you allow your Chocobo to drift, the faster it can go. Sparks will begin to fly from the Chocobo's talons, so look out for its color as a visual cue.

No Acceleration Low Acceleration High Acceleration

Use Shortcuts

There are a couple of shortcuts that can be used in the racetrack by drifting over it. This can cut several seconds of race time and slip past fellow racers into a higher position.

Chocobo Racing Rewards

Rewards for Each Race

Race/Rank First Reward Rewards
The Carbuncle Classic
Potion x3
・GP x50
1st place: GP x20
2nd place GP x15
3rd place: GP x10
The Moogle Oaks
Potion x5
・GP x50
1st place: GP x25
2nd place: GP x20
3rd place: GP x15
The Cactuar Derby
Hi-Potion x3
・GP x60
1st place: GP x30
2nd place: GP x25
3rd place: GP x20
The Bomb Blowout
Hi-Potion x3
・GP x60
1st place: GP x35
2nd place: GP x30
3rd place: GP x25
The Malboro Memorial
Mega-Potion x3
・GP x70
1st place: GP x40
2nd place: GP x35
3rd place: GP x30
The Tonberry Derby
Mega-Potion x3
・GP x80
1st place: GP x45
2nd place: GP x40
3rd place: GP x35
The Coeurl Champions
・Debonair Hat x1
・GP x90
1st place: GP x50
2nd place: GP x45
3rd place: GP x40
The Behemoth Grand Prix
・Debonair Waistcoat x1
・GP x120
1st place: GP x55
2nd place: GP x50
3rd place: GP x45
The Ultima Stakes
・Debonair Anklets x1
・GP x130
1st place: GP x60
2nd place: GP x55
3rd place: GP x50
The Ifrit Blaze
Ether x1
・GP x130
1st place: GP x20
2nd place: GP x15
3rd place: GP x10
The Shiva Icefields
Hi-Ether x1
・GP x150
1st place: GP x75
2nd place: GP x60
3rd place: GP x45
The Leviathan Riptide
Dry Ether x1
・GP x190
1st place: GP x95
2nd place: GP x75
3rd place: GP x55
The Ramuh Bolt
Turbo Ether x1
・GP x200
1st place: GP x100
2nd place: GP x80
3rd place: GP x60
The Titan Slam
Hermes Shoes x1
・GP x210
1st place: GP x105
2nd place: GP x85
3rd place: GP x65
The Kujata Stampede
Dark Matter x3
・GP x220
1st place: GP x110
2nd place: GP x90
3rd place: GP x70
The Odin Straights
・Hyperion's Helm x1
・GP x260
1st place: GP x130
2nd place: GP x105
3rd place: GP x80
The Alexander Siege
・Hyperion's Armor x1
・GP x270
1st place: GP x135
2nd place: GP x110
3rd place: GP x85
The Phoenix Trial
・Hyperion's Shin Guards x1
・GP x280
1st place: GP x140
2nd place: GP x115
3rd place: GP x90
The Bahamut Skirmish
Time Materia Earrings x1
・GP x300
1st place: GP x150
2nd place: GP x125
3rd place: GP x100
The Gold Cup
Chocoking's Cape x1
1st place: GP x200
2nd place: GP x150
3rd place: GP x125

Hall of Famer Bronze Trophy

Hall of Famer TrophyBronze Hall of Famer
Win all chocobo races.
Chocobo Races Minigame Guide

Placing 1st in all the Chocobo Races rewards the player with a Bronze Trophy for the Hall of Famer achievement.

How to Unlock All Trophies

How to Play Chocobo Racing

Race Against Other Chocobos

FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Race

Chocobo Races is a minigame where players can ride Chocobo, and enjoy racing against other riders. Optimize the Chocobo equipment, techniques, and items to get first place in the race.

Pick Up Balloons to Go Faster

FF7 Rebirth - Collect Balloons to Go Faster - Chocobo Racing
The blue icon at the lower left of the screen is called a "Speed Ballons", where players can collect up to a limit of 10 balloons to go faster in the race.

The Yellow icon is the "Dash Balloon," while the red icon is called the "Ability Balloon."

Two Charges of Dash Balloons

Picking up Dash Balloons on the course fills up the gauge and provides a charge to activate a Dash to boost your speed. Press R1 once a charge is available, and do not hesitate to use it frequently; you can store up to 2 charges of Dash at a time.

Ability Balloons Help Win Races

Picking up Ability Balloons increase the Ability Gauge, and once filled up you can press L1 to activate Speed Burst and go even faster.

How to Unlock Chocobo Racing

Progress the Main Story through Chapter 8

FF7 Rebirth - Gold Saucer

Chocobo Racing is first encountered as part of the main story in Chapter 8.

After completing Chapter 8, the player is free to return to the Gold Saucer to play more Chocobo Racing courses.

Chapter 8: All That Glitters Walkthrough

Complete Side Quests to Unlock Gold Cup

FF7 Rebirth - Gold Cup or Bust Gold Rank

You can also unlock more tracks by competing in the Gold Cup. To enter this, you must complete both the Esoteric Secrets of the Elders Side Quest and the Gold Cup or Bust Side Quest. Since these are branching side quests, you need to complete both to unlock the Gold Cup.

List of All Side Quests

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