FF7 Rebirth

How to Get the Gongaga Chocobo

FF7 Rebirth - How to Get Gongaga Chocobo
Progress through Chapter 9 to get a Gongaga Chocobo in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to unlock the Gongaga Chocobo, its unique ability, and the special abilities this variant of the Chocobo have.

How to Unlock Gongaga Chocobo

Automatically Unlocks during Chapter 9

FF7 Rebirth - Chapter 9 Gongaga Chocobo

The Gongaga Chocobo is automatically unlocked during a certain Story Quest in Chapter 9 of FF7 Rebirth, while Cloud and company are in Gongaga.

Chapter 9: The Planet Stirs Walkthrough

Begin The Gongaga Reactor 2nd Time Quest

FF7 Rebirth - Jungle Chocobo
At start of the Crisis quest, once you have control over Tifa, Aerith and Yuffie, immediately leave Gongaga Village. A cutscene will play that will let them automatically mount the Gongaga Chocobo, and players can use them to make way to the Gongaga Reactor.

Gongaga Chocobo Abilities

Bounce on Mushrooms

Get near a Mushroom with the prompt... FF7 Rebirth - Jungle Chocobo - Mushroom Jump Prompt
...to bounce high in a certain direction

One of the unqiue abilities of the Jungle Chocobo is that the they can bounce on certain marked mushrooms to jump and get to higher places that would normally not be in reach. Use this to your advantage totravel around Gongaga faster, and look for hidden paths.

Slide on Branches of Trees

Another unique ability of the Gongaga Chocobo is that they can climb and slide on specific tree branches. This makes travelling a lot faster, and much like bouncing on mushrooms can be ways to find hidden paths and areas in Gongaga.

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - Chocobos

All Chocobo Locations and Types

All Chocobo Guides

Chocobo Gear Guides
All Chocobo Gear Golden Plumes
Chocobo Types
Mountain Chocobo Jungle Chocobo
Sky Chocobo Ocean Chocobo
Chocobo Per Region
Grasslands Chocobo Junon Chocobo
Corel Chocobo Gongaga Chocobo
Cosmo Canyon Chocobo Nibel Chocobo


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