FF7 Rebirth

Missing: Mr. Birdie Walkthrough and Rewards

FF7 Rebirth - Missing: Mr. Birdie Side Quest Guide

Missing: Mr. Birdie is a Side Quest unlocked during Chapter 9 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to unlock Missing: Mr. Birdie, how to craft the Bird Trap and where to find its Transmuter Chip, and where to find Sage, Mist Seeds and Marjoram.

How to Unlock Missing: Mr. Birdie

Reach Chapter 9: The Planet Stirs

Chapter 9
The Missing: Mr. Birdie side quest unlocks upon starting Chapter 9: The Planet Stirs. This is when the rest of the Corel Region becomes available for open world exploration.
Chapter 9: The Planet Stirs Walkthrough

How to Complete Missing: Mr. Birdie

  1. Accept the Children's Quest
  2. Obtain a Bird Trap Transmuter Chip
  3. Craft 3 Bird Traps
  4. Place the Bird Traps in All 3 Birdhouses
  5. Return to All Three Locations

Accept the Children's Quest

You can accept the quest from the Community Noticeboard or talk to children directly at the bottom part of North Corel. They will give you locations of bird traps, which will be marked on your map.

Obtain a Bird Trap Transmuter Chip

To continue the quest, you will first need to obtain a Bird Trap Transmuter Chip, which can be obtained from Excavation Intel 2: Desert Village in the Corel Region.

Analyze Lifesprings to Unlock Excavation Intel

FF7 Rebirth - Lifesprings

Unlocking the Excavation Intel will first require you to find and analyze Lifesprings in the area, which can be found by activating Remnawave Towers.
All Lifespring Locations (Expedition Intel)

Use Chocobo to Dig Up the Transmuter Chip

Use Chocobos to Dig Up
When you've unlocked the second Excavation Intel location, head to the Deserted Village south of Costa del Sol and east of the Gold Saucer.

Use your Corel Chocobo to look for hidden items (hold up button) and dig (down button) until you find the Transmuter Chip.

Craft 3 Bird Traps

Upon obtaining the Bird Trap Transmuter Chip, you will finally be able to craft a Bird Trap in the Item Transmuter in the menu. Craft 3 Bird Traps in the Key Items section to continue on with the quest.

Obtain the Crafting Materials

A Bird Trap requires Sage, Mist Seeds, and Marjoram to craft. These materials can be found in all regions, so if you're lacking some, you may need to go scavenge them first.

Material Required for 1 Bird Trap Total Quantity Required
5 15
3 9
3 9

All Crafting Materials and How to Get

Increase Craftsmanship to Level 6

You will also need to increase your Craftsmanship to level 6 before you can craft the Bird Trap. Crafting new items for the first time gives you Craftsmanship EXP so try to craft things you haven't crafted before to get to Level 6.
How to Increase Crafting Level

Place the Bird Traps in All 3 Birdhouses

Head to all three locations indicated in the map, then place a Bird Trap in each birdhouse.

Return to All Three Locations

After you've placed the Bird Traps, you will be asked to return to all of them, in the order you put them in. The first one will be overrun by Cactrots, which you can quickly defeat.

Defeat Cyclone Drakes

The second one will have Cyclone Drakes, which are weak to Wind. Be aggressive and keep on damaging them, ideally from behind, in order to Pressure them. Use stagger-increasing abilities while they're Pressured, then use powerful abilities like Braver to deal massive damage while Staggered.

Find Mr. Birdie Then Return to Children

The third and final birdhouse you return to will have Mr. Birdie. Once you've found Mr. Birdie, return to the children in North Corel to end the quest.

Missing: Mr. Birdie Rewards

List of Rewards

Rewards for Completing Missing: Mr. Birdie
▸ Level Boost Materia
▸ 10 Party EXP
▸ Player EXP (based on current level)

Increase Favorability With Barret

FF7 Rebirth - Increase Relationship with Characters

Completing Missing: Mr. Birdie will also increase your friendship with Barret. This will affect the events that will occur when you visit the Gold Saucer later in the game.

Romance and Relationship Guide

Sharpshooter's Companion Vol. X in Hard Mode

While playing in Hard Mode, completing the side quest will reward you the Sharpshooter's Companion Vol. X for Barret. You can access Hard Mode after completing your first playthrough of the game in any difficulty.

List of All Manuscripts

Missing: Mr. Birdie Information

Information and Overview

Basic Information

Recommended Level: 30
Availability Region Side Quest Giver
Chapter 9 Corel Mr. Birdie's Buddies
Unlock Requirement Reach the beginning of Chapter 9: The Planet Stirs

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